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Zen Habits, 20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life

20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life “Everything has been figured out, except how to live.” - Jean-Paul Sartre I'm nearly 35 years old, and I've made my share of mistakes in my life.

I'm not a big believer in regrets … and I have learned tremendously from every single mistake … and my life is pretty great. However, there are a few things I wish I had known when I was graduating from high school and starting out as an adult in life.

Would I change things?

I'm not so sure. I might never have gotten into a mountain of debt, but then I wouldn't have learned the amazing satisfaction of getting out of it. I might have made better career choices, but then I wouldn't have all the work experience that makes me the blogger and writer that I am today. I might not have gotten married that first time, so that I would never have gotten divorced … but then I wouldn't have my first two beautiful wonderful incredible children from that first marriage.

I don't think I would change any of that.

However, looking back, there are some lessons I've learned that I would probably tell my 18-year-old self. Do I share them now to share my regrets? No, I share them in hopes that younger men and women, just starting out in life, can benefit from my mistakes and my lessons. What follows isn't an exhaustive list, but it's one that I hope proves useful to at least a few people.

“I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.” - Jack Handey How to control impulse spending. If there's anything that got me in trouble financially, it's impulse spending. Buying clothes when I don't need them. Buying gadgets because I gotta have them. Ordering stuff online because it's so easy. Buying that new shiny SUV because … well, because it was going to help me with women. I'm not proud of any of that. I've learned to control my impulses, at least a little better. Now, I give myself some time to breathe. I think over my purchases, see if I've got the money, think about whether it's a need or a want. That would have been a useful tool 15 years ago. You gotta stay active. I was in track, cross country and basketball in high school, but once I started college, the running and basketball began to slowly fade away. Not right away — I played pick-up basketball for years after high school. But even that went away, until I became sedentary. Playing with my kids outdoors winded me. And I began to get fat. I've reversed that trend, and am very active now, but I'm still trying to burn the fat I gained in those inactive years. How to plan finances. I always knew that I was supposed to budget and track my spending, when I became an adult. I just was too lazy to do it. And I didn't have a good idea of how to actually do it. Now, I've learned how to plan, and how to stick to that plan. Sure, I deviate from my plan, but I've learned how to handle that too. Maybe that's not a skill you can learn from book reading. You just gotta practice. Well, I hope to teach it to my children before they go out on their own. Junk food will come back to bite you in the butt. Yeah, it wasn't just the sedentary lifestyle that got me fat. It was all the damn junk food too. I would eat pizza and burgers and Twinkies and sugar cereal and desserts and donuts and … well, you get the picture. As someone used to being able to eat whatever I wanted, it never seemed like it would be a problem. Bad health was something to worry about when you got old. Well, my jeans began to get way too tight, and to my horror, I climbed several pants sizes and developed a gut that only now is going away. I wish someone had shown me an “after” picture when I was young and downing the Big Gulp sodas. Smoking is just dumb. I didn't start smoking until I was well into my adult years. I won't go into why I started, but it didn't seem like a problem, because I knew I could quit anytime I wanted. Or I thought I could, at least, until several years later I gave it a go and couldn't do it. Five failed quits later and I realized with horror that my addiction was stronger than I was. Sure, I eventually beat the habit (quit date: Nov. 18, 2005) but it took a piece of my soul to do it. Fund your retirement, son. And don't withdraw it. This piece of wisdom, and probably all the ones above, might seem blisteringly obvious. And they are. Don't think I didn't know this when I was 18. I did. I just didn't pay it serious attention. Retirement was something I could worry about when I was in my 30s. Well, I'm in my 30s now and I wish I could slap that little 18-year-old Leo around a bit. What money I could have invested by now! I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously. All the stuff you're doing that seems hard — it will be of use. This is the first one that might not be as obvious. There were times in my life when work was hard, and I did it anyway, but hated it. I did it because I had to, but boy did it stress me out and leave me exhausted. Hard work isn't as easy as I wanted it to be. But you know what? Every bit of hard work I did without knowing why I was doing it … it's paid off for me in the long run. Maybe not right away, but I'm using skills and habits I learned during those times of high stress and long hours and tedious work — I use them all the time, and they've made me into the person I am today. Thank you, younger Leo! Don't buy that used van without checking it out closely. I thought I was being smart by buying used, but I didn't check it out carefully enough. That dang van had loads of engine problems, a door that nearly fell off when I was driving, a door handle that snapped off, a side mirror that fell off, no spare tire despite three tires that were ready to blow (and did), windows that didn't roll up, rattling noises, an eventual blown radiator … I could go on and on, but let's just say that it wasn't my best purchase. I still think buying used is smart, but check things out closely first. That guy you're going to sell your car to? On a gentleman's agreement? He's not gonna pay you. I sold another car to a friend of a friend, who I was sure would pay me even if I had nothing in writing. That was smart. I still see the guy once in awhile on the road, but I don't have the energy to do a U-turn and chase after him. Make time to pursue your passion, no matter how busy you are. I've always wanted to be a writer, and get a book published. I just never had time to write. With a family and school and a full-time job, there just weren't enough hours in the day. Well, I've learned that you have to make those hours. Set aside a block of time to do what you love, cut out other stuff from your life that take up your time, and don't let anything interfere with that work. If I had done that 15 years ago, I could have 15 books written by now. Not all would be great, but still. All that stuff that's stressing you out — it won't matter in 5 years, let alone 15. When things are happening to you right now, they mean all the world. I had deadlines and projects and people breathing down my neck, and my stress levels went through the roof. I don't regret the hard work (see above) but I think I would have been less stressed if I could have just realized that it wouldn't matter a single bit just a few years down the road. Perspective is a good thing to learn. The people you make friends with are so much more important than your job or the things you buy. I've had a few jobs, I've bought a lot of things, and I've made a few friends over these last 15 years. Of those, the only thing that still matter to me are the friends. And I wish I could have spent more time with friends (and family) than on the other things. All that time you spend watching TV is a huge, huge waste of time. I don't know how much TV I've watched over the years, but it's a crapload. Hours and days and weeks I'll never have back. Who cares what happens on reality TV, when reality is slipping by outside? Time is something you'll never get back — don't waste it on TV. Your kids are going to grow up way faster than you think. Don't waste a minute . I just had an Oh My God moment recently. My oldest daughter, Chloe, is 14 going on 15 next month. I have 3 years left with her before she leaves my house and becomes an adult. Three years! I am floored by that single fact, because it really doesn't seem anywhere near enough time. I want to go back to my younger self and whack that younger Leo on the head and say Stop working so hard! Stop watching TV! Spend more time with your kids! These last 15 years with Chloe (and my other wonderful kids) have gone by much, much too fast. Forget the drama. Focus on being happy . There have been many things that have happened to me, professionally and personally, that seem like the end of the world. And while these things were bad, they get blown up in our heads so that they become major drama. They caused me to be depressed from time to time. What a waste of time. If I realized that it was all in my head, and that I could be happy instead if I focused on the positive, on what I did have, and what I could be doing … I could have skipped all the moping about. Pay more attention to blogs when you first hear about them. They're more than just journals . I first read about blogs 7-8 years ago, but when I took a look at them they didn't seem like anything of interest. Just some people's journals about stuff they read on the web. Why would I want to read those? I have my own thoughts about the web, but I don't need to share them with the world. I spent a lot of time on the Internet, on various sites and forums, but every time I happened upon a blog I would brush past it without interest. It wasn't until a couple years ago that I discovered what wonderful things they could be (I mentioned some of my early favorites in my list of influences). If I had gotten into blogging years ago … well, I wouldn't have been wasting all that time. Speaking of which, keep a journal. Seriously. Your memory is extremely faulty . I forget things really easily. Not short-term stuff, but long-term. I don't remember things about my kids' early years, because I didn't record any of it. I don't remember things about my life. It's like a lot of foggy memories that I'll never have access to. I wish I had kept a journal. Tequila is seriously evil . I won't go into details, but it should suffice to say that I had some bad experiences, and I'm not sure I learned very much from them or benefited in any way except to learn that tequila is the drink of the Devil. Yes, you can do a marathon. Don't put this goal off — it's extremely rewarding . Running a marathon had always been a dream of mine, since high school … something I wanted to do but thought was out of reach. Or if I ever did it, it would be years and years later. Well, I learned that it's not only achievable, it's incredibly rewarding. I wish I had started training when I was young and light and fit … I could have had some good finishing times! All these mistakes you're going to make, despite this advice? They're worth it . My 18-year-old self would probably have read this post and said, “Good advice!” And then he would have proceeded to make the same mistakes, despite good intentions. I was a good kid, but I wasn't good at following advice. I had to make my own mistakes, and live my own life. And that's what I did, and I don't regret a minute of it. Every experience I've had (even the tequila ones) have led me down the path of life to where I am today. I love where I am today, and wouldn't trade it for another life for all the world. The pain, the stress, the drama, the hard work, the mistakes, the depression, the hangovers, the debt, the fat … it was all worth it. “Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.” - Mark Twain ----

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Just open a collection. Enjoy these life-changing articles now! This is an article from zenhabits.net.

You can find it here zenhabits.net/20-things-i-wish-i-had-known-when-starting-out-in-life/

20 Things I Wish I Had Known When Starting Out in Life 人生を始めたときに知っておいてほしい20のこと 20 rzeczy, które chciałbym wiedzieć, kiedy zaczynałem w życiu “Everything has been figured out, except how to live.”  - Jean-Paul Sartre „Minden kitalálásra került, kivéve, hogyan kell élni.” - Jean-Paul Sartre 「生き方を除いて、すべてが理解されました。」 -ジャンポールサルトル „Wszystko zostało ustalone, z wyjątkiem życia”. - Jean-Paul Sartre I’m nearly 35 years old, and I’ve made my share of mistakes in my life. Közel 35 éves vagyok, és hibáimat megteszem az életemben. 私は35歳近くになり、人生で間違いを犯しました。 Mam prawie 35 lat i popełniłem wiele błędów w życiu.

I’m not a big believer in regrets … and I have learned tremendously from every single mistake … and my life is pretty great. Nem vagyok nagyon hisz a sajnálatában ... és óriási tanulságot szereztem minden egyes hibáról ... és az életem nagyon jó. 私は後悔を強く信じる人ではありません…そして私はあらゆる間違いからものすごく学びました…そして私の人生はかなり素晴らしいです。 Nie jestem wielkim zwolennikiem żalu… i nauczyłem się ogromnie z każdego błędu… i moje życie jest całkiem świetne. Tôi không phải là người tin tưởng nhiều vào sự hối tiếc… và tôi đã học được rất nhiều điều từ mỗi sai lầm… và cuộc sống của tôi khá tuyệt vời. However, there are a few things I wish I had known when I was graduating from high school and starting out as an adult in life. しかし、高校を卒業して大人になってから始めたときに知っておいてほしいことがいくつかあります。 Однако есть несколько вещей, которые я хотел бы знать, когда заканчивал среднюю школу и начинал как взрослый.

Would I change things? 変更しますか? Мог бы я что-то изменить?

I’m not so sure. 私はちょっと確信が持てません。 I might never have gotten into a mountain of debt, but then I wouldn’t have learned the amazing satisfaction of getting out of it. 私は決して借金の山に入ったことがなかったかもしれませんが、それから私はそれから抜け出すことの驚くべき満足を学んだではないでしょう。 Mógłbym nigdy nie wpaść w górę długów, ale wtedy nie nauczyłbym się niesamowitej satysfakcji z tego, że się z tego wydostałem. Возможно, я никогда не влезла бы в гору долгов, но тогда я бы не научился удивительному удовольствию выбраться из нее. I might have made better career choices, but then I wouldn’t have all the work experience that makes me the blogger and writer that I am today. 私はより良いキャリアの選択をしたかもしれませんが、それから私は私が今日であることを私にブロガーと作家にするすべての実務経験を持っていないでしょう。 I might not have gotten married that first time, so that I would never have gotten divorced … but then I wouldn’t have my first two beautiful wonderful incredible children from that first marriage. 私はその最初の結婚をしなかったかもしれないので、離婚することは決してなかったでしょう…しかし、その最初の結婚からの最初の2人の美しい素晴らしい素晴らしい子供はいないでしょう。 Może nie wyszłam za mąż po raz pierwszy, więc nigdy bym się nie rozwiodła… ale wtedy nie miałabym pierwszych dwóch pięknych, cudownych, niesamowitych dzieci z tego pierwszego małżeństwa. Tôi có thể đã không kết hôn vào lần đầu tiên đó, vì vậy tôi sẽ không bao giờ ly hôn… nhưng khi đó tôi sẽ không có được hai đứa con xinh đẹp tuyệt vời đầu tiên từ cuộc hôn nhân đầu tiên đó.

I don’t think I would change any of that. 私はそれを変更するとは思わない。

However, looking back, there are some lessons I’ve learned that I would probably tell my 18-year-old self. しかし、振り返ってみると、私が18歳の自分に伝えたいと思うことがいくつかあります。 Jednak patrząc wstecz, nauczyłem się kilku lekcji, które prawdopodobnie powiedziałbym swojemu 18-letniemu ja. Do I share them now to share my regrets? 後悔を共有するために今それらを共有しますか? No, I share them in hopes that younger men and women, just starting out in life, can benefit from my mistakes and my lessons. Nie, dzielę się nimi w nadziei, że młodsi mężczyźni i kobiety, dopiero zaczynający życie, mogą skorzystać na moich błędach i moich lekcjach. What follows isn’t an exhaustive list, but it’s one that I hope proves useful to at least a few people. 以下はすべてを網羅したリストではありませんが、少なくとも数人にとって有益であることを私は望んでいます。 Poniższa lista nie jest wyczerpująca, ale mam nadzieję, że okaże się przydatna przynajmniej kilku osobom.

“I hope life isn’t a big joke, because I don’t get it.”  - Jack Handey "Remélem, az élet nem nagy vicc, mert nem értem." - Jack Handey "私はそれを取得していないので、私は人生が大きな冗談ではないことを願っています。" - ジャックハンディ „Mam nadzieję, że życie nie jest wielkim żartem, ponieważ go nie rozumiem.” - Jack Handey How to control impulse spending. Hogyan lehet ellenőrizni az impulzusköltést? 衝動買いを制御する方法。 Jak kontrolować wydatki impulsowe. If there’s anything that got me in trouble financially, it’s impulse spending. Ha van valami, ami pénzügyi bajba jutott nekem, ez impulzusköltségek. 経済的に困っていることがあるとすれば、それは衝動的な支出です。 Jeśli jest coś, co wpędza mnie w kłopoty finansowe, są to wydatki impulsowe. Buying clothes when I don’t need them. Kupowanie ubrań, kiedy ich nie potrzebuję. Buying gadgets because I gotta have them. Készülékek vásárlása, mert nekem kell lennem. ガジェットを持っているので買う。 Kupowanie gadżetów, bo muszę je mieć. Ordering stuff online because it’s so easy. とても簡単なので、オンラインで注文する。 Buying that new shiny SUV because … well, because it was going to help me with women. その新しい光沢のあるSUVを購入する理由は…まあ、それは女性の助けになるからです。 I’m not proud of any of that. I’ve learned to control my impulses, at least a little better. Now, I give myself some time to breathe. 今、私は自分自身に呼吸する時間を与えます。 I think over my purchases, see if I’ve got the money, think about whether it’s a need or a want. 私は自分の購入品について考え、お金があるかどうかを調べ、それが必要なのか欲しいのかを考えます。 Zastanawiam się nad zakupami, sprawdzam, czy mam pieniądze, zastanawiam się, czy to potrzeba, czy chęć. That would have been a useful tool 15 years ago. それは15年前には便利なツールでした。 You gotta stay active. Aktívnak kell maradnod. あなたはアクティブなままでいなければなりません。 Musisz pozostać aktywny. I was in track, cross country and basketball in high school, but once I started college, the running and basketball began to slowly fade away. A középiskolában a pályán, a sífutón és a kosárlabdán voltam, de amikor elkezdtem egyetemet, a futás és a kosárlabda lassan elhalványult. 私は高校時代にトラック、クロスカントリーそしてバスケットボールをしていましたが、大学を始めるとランニングとバスケットボールはゆっくりと消え始めました。 W szkole średniej byłem na torze, biegach terenowych i koszykówce, ale kiedy zacząłem studia, bieganie i koszykówka zaczęły powoli zanikać. Tôi đã theo dõi điền kinh, chạy việt dã và bóng rổ ở trường trung học, nhưng khi tôi bắt đầu học đại học, môn chạy và bóng rổ bắt đầu mờ nhạt dần. Not right away — I played pick-up basketball for years after high school. すぐではありません - 私は高校卒業後何年もの間、バスケットボールをしました。 Nie od razu - grałem w koszykówkę pick-up przez lata po szkole średniej. But even that went away, until I became sedentary. しかし私が座りがちになるまで、それでもそれは消えました。 Playing with my kids outdoors winded me. 私の子供たちと屋外で遊ぶことは私に勝った。 Doprowadziło mnie do zabawy z moimi dziećmi na zewnątrz. Игра с моими детьми на открытом воздухе поразила меня. And I began to get fat. そして私は太り始めました。 I’ve reversed that trend, and am very active now, but I’m still trying to burn the fat I gained in those inactive years. 私はその傾向を逆転させ、現在非常に活発ですが、私はまだそれらの不活発な年に得た脂肪を燃やそうとしています。 Odwróciłem ten trend i jestem teraz bardzo aktywny, ale nadal próbuję spalić tłuszcz, który zyskałem w tych nieaktywnych latach. How to plan finances. 財政を計画する方法。 I always knew that I was supposed to budget and track my spending, when I became an adult. 私が大人になったとき、私は自分の支出を予算に入れて追跡することになっていることを常に知っていました。 Kiedy byłem dorosły, zawsze wiedziałem, że powinienem budżetować i śledzić swoje wydatki. I just was too lazy to do it. 私はそれをするのが面倒でした。 And I didn’t have a good idea of how to actually do it. そして、私は実際にそれを行う方法について良い考えを持っていませんでした。 Now, I’ve learned how to plan, and how to stick to that plan. 今、私は計画する方法とその計画に固執する方法を学びました。 Sure, I deviate from my plan, but I’ve learned how to handle that too. 確かに、私は自分の計画から逸脱していますが、それを処理する方法も学びました。 Jasne, odbiegam od mojego planu, ale nauczyłem się też sobie z tym radzić. Maybe that’s not a skill you can learn from book reading. 多分それはあなたが本を読むことから学ぶことができるスキルではありません。 You just gotta practice. Csak gyakorolni kell. 練習しなきゃ。 Well, I hope to teach it to my children before they go out on their own. Nos, remélem, megtaníthatom ezt gyermekeimnek, még mielőtt kimennek egyedül. さて、子供たちが一人で出かける前に、それを子供たちに教えたいと思います。 Mam nadzieję, że nauczę to moich dzieci, zanim same wyjdą. Junk food will come back to bite you in the butt. A gyorsétel vissza fog térni, hogy megharapjon téged. ジャンクフードはお尻であなたをかむために戻ってきます。 Niezdrowe jedzenie wróci, by ugryźć cię w tyłek. Đồ ăn vặt sẽ quay lại cắn vào mông bạn. Yeah, it wasn’t just the sedentary lifestyle that got me fat. ええ、私を太らせたのは座りがちな生活だけではありませんでした。 It was all the damn junk food too. それはすべていまいましいジャンクフードでもありました。 I would eat pizza and burgers and Twinkies and sugar cereal and desserts and donuts and … well, you get the picture. 私はピザとハンバーガーとトゥインキーズと砂糖穀物とデザートとドーナツを食べようとしました、そして……さて、あなたは絵を得ます。 As someone used to being able to eat whatever I wanted, it never seemed like it would be a problem. 誰かが私が欲しいものを何でも食べることができるようになったので、それが問題になるようには思われませんでした。 Ponieważ ktoś był w stanie jeść to, co chciałem, nigdy nie wydawało się, że będzie to problem. Bad health was something to worry about when you got old. あなたが年をとったとき、悪い健康は心配する何かでした。 Złe zdrowie było czymś, o co należy się martwić, gdy się zestarzejesz. Well, my jeans began to get way too tight, and to my horror, I climbed several pants sizes and developed a gut that only now is going away. さて、私のジーンズはあまりにもタイトになり始めました、そして私の恐ろしいことに、私はいくつかのズボンのサイズを登り、今だけ消えていく腸を開発しました。 Cóż, moje dżinsy zaczęły być zbyt ciasne i ku mojemu przerażeniu wspiąłem się na kilka rozmiarów spodni i rozwinąłem jelito, które dopiero teraz odchodzi. I wish someone had shown me an “after” picture when I was young and downing the Big Gulp sodas. 私が若い頃にBig Gulpのソーダを飲んでいたときに、誰かが私に「後」の写真を見せてくれたらいいのにと思います。 Chciałbym, żeby ktoś pokazał mi zdjęcie „po”, gdy byłem młody i zjadłem napoje gazowane Big Gulp. Smoking is just dumb. 喫煙はばかげています。 Palenie jest po prostu głupie. I didn’t start smoking until I was well into my adult years. 私は大人の頃になるまで喫煙を始めませんでした。 Nie zacząłem palić, dopóki nie osiągnąłem pełnoletności. I won’t go into why I started, but it didn’t seem like a problem, because I knew I could quit anytime I wanted. なぜ始めたのかは説明しませんが、いつでもやめられると思っていたので、問題ないようでした。 Nie będę się zastanawiał, dlaczego zacząłem, ale nie wydawało mi się to problemem, ponieważ wiedziałem, że mogę zrezygnować w dowolnym momencie. Or I thought I could, at least, until several years later I gave it a go and couldn’t do it. あるいは、少なくとも数年後までは、それを試してみることはできないし、できないとも思っていました。 Five failed quits later and I realized with horror that my addiction was stronger than I was. 5人が失敗した後、私は自分の中毒が自分よりも強いことに恐怖を感じて気づきました。 Sure, I eventually beat the habit (quit date: Nov. 確かに、私は最終的に習慣を打ち負かしました(終了日:11月。 18, 2005) but it took a piece of my soul to do it. 2005年、18)しかし、それはそれをするために私の魂の一部を取った。 18, 2005) nhưng tôi phải mất một phần tâm hồn mới làm được điều đó. Fund your retirement, son. あなたの退職金に資金を供給してください、息子。 And don’t withdraw it. そしてそれを撤回しないでください。 This piece of wisdom, and probably all the ones above, might seem blisteringly obvious. この知恵、そしておそらく上記のすべての知恵は、明らかに明白に見えるかもしれません。 And they are. そして彼らは。 Don’t think I didn’t know this when I was 18. 私が18歳のときにこれを知らなかったとは思わないでください。 I did. やった。 I just didn’t pay it serious attention. Csak nem figyeltem oda. 私はそれを真剣に注意を払っていませんでした。 Retirement was something I could worry about when I was in my 30s. 私の30代のときに引退は私が心配することができるものでした。 Well, I’m in my 30s now and I wish I could slap that little 18-year-old Leo around a bit. さて、私は今30代です、そして私はその小さな18歳のレオを少し叩きたいです。 Ну, мне сейчас за тридцать, и я хотел бы немного побить этого маленького 18-летнего Льва. What money I could have invested by now! 今までにどんなお金を投資できたでしょう。 I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously. 私は退職プランを持っていましたが、転職した3回の機会にそれを撤回し、それを軽薄に費やしました。 All the stuff you’re doing that seems hard — it will be of use. Minden olyan dolog, amit csinálsz, nehéznek tűnik - hasznos lesz. あなたがやっていることはすべて難しいようです - それは役に立つでしょう。 Tất cả những việc bạn đang làm có vẻ khó khăn - nó sẽ có ích. This is the first one that might not be as obvious. これはそれほど明白ではないかもしれない最初のものです。 Đây là điều đầu tiên có thể không rõ ràng. There were times in my life when work was hard, and I did it anyway, but hated it. 私の人生の中で、仕事が大変だったことがあり、とにかくやりましたが、嫌いでした。 I did it because I had to, but boy did it stress me out and leave me exhausted. Azért csináltam, mert kellett, de a fiú ráhúzta, és kimerülten hagyott. 私はしなければならなかったのでそれをしました、しかし男の子はそれが私にストレスを与えて、私を疲れさせたままにしました。 Hard work isn’t as easy as I wanted it to be. A kemény munka nem olyan egyszerű, mint szerettem volna. ハードワークは私が望んでいたほど簡単ではありません。 But you know what? しかし、あなたは何を知っていますか? Every bit of hard work I did without knowing why I was doing it … it’s paid off for me in the long run. Minden nehéz munkát anélkül végeztem, hogy tudtam, miért csinálom ... hosszú távon ez kifizetődő nekem. 私がなぜそれをしていたのかわからずに私がした大変な努力のすべて…それは長い目で見れば私には報われます。 Mỗi công việc khó khăn mà tôi đã làm mà không biết tại sao mình lại làm việc đó… về lâu dài nó đã được đền đáp cho tôi. Maybe not right away, but I’m using skills and habits I learned during those times of high stress and long hours and tedious work — I use them all the time, and they’ve made me into the person I am today. Lehet, hogy nem azonnal, de a nagy stressz, a hosszú órák és az unalmas munka idején megtanult készségeimet és szokásaimat használom - állandóan használom őket, és azok a személyek voltak, akik ma ma vagyok. すぐにではないかもしれませんが、私はストレスが高く、長時間、退屈な仕事をしているときに学んだスキルと習慣を使用しています。私はそれらを常に使用しており、今日の私になりました。 Có thể không phải ngay lập tức, nhưng tôi đang sử dụng những kỹ năng và thói quen mà tôi đã học được trong thời gian căng thẳng cao độ, làm việc nhiều giờ và làm việc tẻ nhạt - tôi sử dụng chúng mọi lúc và chúng đã biến tôi thành con người như ngày hôm nay. Thank you, younger Leo! Don’t buy that used van without checking it out closely. よく調べずに中古バンを買わないでください。 I thought I was being smart by buying used, but I didn’t check it out carefully enough. 中古品を買うことで頭がいいと思ったのですが、よくチェックしていませんでした。 That dang van had loads of engine problems, a door that nearly fell off when I was driving, a door handle that snapped off, a side mirror that fell off, no spare tire despite three tires that were ready to blow (and did), windows that didn’t roll up, rattling noises, an eventual blown radiator … I could go on and on, but let’s just say that it wasn’t my best purchase. そのダンバンには、エンジンの問題がたくさんあり、運転中にドアがほぼ脱落し、ドアハンドルが折れ、サイドミラーが脱落し、3本のタイヤが吹く準備ができていたにもかかわらずスペアタイヤがありませんでした。巻き上げられなかった窓、ガタガタと音がする、最終的にはラジエーターが飛ぶ…私は何度も続けることができましたが、それは私の最良の購入ではなかったとだけ言っておきましょう。 Chiếc dang van đó có vô số vấn đề về động cơ, một cánh cửa suýt rơi ra khi tôi đang lái xe, một tay nắm cửa bị gãy, một chiếc gương chiếu hậu rơi ra, không có lốp dự phòng dù ba lốp đã sẵn sàng nổ (và đã nổ), cửa sổ không cuộn lên, tiếng ồn lạch cạch, bộ tản nhiệt cuối cùng bị nổ… Tôi có thể tiếp tục, nhưng hãy nói rằng đó không phải là lần mua hàng tốt nhất của tôi. I still think buying used is smart, but check things out closely first. 中古品の購入は賢いと思いますが、まずはよく調べてみてください。 That guy you’re going to sell your car to? Az a fickó, akinek eladni fogja az autóját? あの男はあなたがあなたの車を販売するつもりですか? On a gentleman’s agreement? 紳士の同意は? Theo thỏa thuận của một quý ông? He’s not gonna pay you. 彼はあなたにお金を払うつもりはありません。 I sold another car to a friend of a friend, who I was sure would pay me even if I had nothing in writing. 友達の友達に別の車を売ったのですが、書面がなくてもお金を払ってくれると確信していました。 That was smart. それは賢かった。 I still see the guy once in awhile on the road, but I don’t have the energy to do a U-turn and chase after him. Még mindig néha látom a srácot egy úton az úton, de nincs energiám ahhoz, hogy felforduljak és üldözzem utána. 道路でたまにその男に会うことはありますが、Uターンして彼を追いかけるエネルギーがありません。 Thỉnh thoảng tôi vẫn nhìn thấy anh ta trên đường, nhưng tôi không còn sức để quay đầu xe và đuổi theo anh ta. Make time to pursue your passion, no matter how busy you are. あなたがどんなに忙しくても、あなたの情熱を追求する時間を作ってください。 I’ve always wanted to be a writer, and get a book published. 私はいつも作家になりたいと思っていて、本を出版してもらいたいと思っていました。 I just never had time to write. 書く時間がなかった。 With a family and school and a full-time job, there just weren’t enough hours in the day. 家族と学校、そしてフルタイムの仕事で、一日に十分な時間がありませんでした。 Well, I’ve learned that you have to make those hours. Nos, megtanultam, hogy meg kell csinálnia ezeket az órákat. さて、私はあなたがそれらの時間を作らなければならないことを学びました。 Set aside a block of time to do what you love, cut out other stuff from your life that take up your time, and don’t let anything interfere with that work. Tegyen félre egy időt arra, hogy megtegye azt, amit szereti, vágjon ki más, az időt igénybe vevő dolgokat az életéből, és ne hagyja, hogy bármi akadályozza ezt a munkát. あなたが好きなことをするために時間のブロックを取っておき、あなたの時間を費やすあなたの人生から他のものを切り取り、そして何もその仕事を妨げないようにしてください。 If I had done that 15 years ago, I could have 15 books written by now. 15年前にそれをやったとしたら、今までに15冊の本を書くことができたでしょう。 Not all would be great, but still. すべてが素晴らしいとは限りませんが、それでもです。 All that stuff that’s stressing you out — it won’t matter in 5 years, let alone 15. あなたを強調しているものすべて - それは15年はもちろんのこと、5年後には関係ないでしょう。 When things are happening to you right now, they mean all the world. 物事が今あなたに起こっているとき、それらは全世界を意味します。 Khi mọi thứ đang xảy ra với bạn ngay bây giờ, chúng có nghĩa là cả thế giới. I had deadlines and projects and people breathing down my neck, and my stress levels went through the roof. 締め切りやプロジェクトがあり、人々が首から息を吸い込んでいて、ストレスレベルが屋根を突き抜けていました。 I don’t regret the hard work (see above) but I think I would have been less stressed if I could have just realized that it wouldn’t matter a single bit just a few years down the road. 私はこの大変な仕事を後悔していません(上記参照)が、数年後にはそれが問題にならないことに気付いたなら、それほどストレスを感じなかったと思います。 Tôi không hối hận vì đã làm việc chăm chỉ (xem ở trên) nhưng tôi nghĩ mình sẽ bớt căng thẳng hơn nếu tôi có thể nhận ra rằng điều đó sẽ chẳng thành vấn đề gì chỉ sau vài năm nữa. 我不后悔辛勤工作(见上文),但我想如果我能意识到几年后它一点都不重要,我的压力就会减轻。 Perspective is a good thing to learn. 視点は学ぶのに良いことです。 Quan điểm là một điều tốt để học hỏi. The people you make friends with are so much more important than your job or the things you buy. Azok az emberek, akikkel barátokba kerülnek, sokkal fontosabbak, mint a munkád vagy a vásárolt dolgok. あなたが友達を作る人々はあなたの仕事やあなたが買うものよりもはるかに重要です。 I’ve had a few jobs, I’ve bought a lot of things, and I’ve made a few friends over these last 15 years. Néhány munkám volt, sok dolgot vásároltam, és az elmúlt 15 év során pár baráttal szereztem. 私はいくつかの仕事をしていて、たくさんのものを買って、この15年間で数人の友達を作りました。 Of those, the only thing that still matter to me are the friends. Ezek közül az egyetlen dolog, ami számomra továbbra is fontos, a barátok. それらの中で、私にとってまだ重要なのは友達だけです。 And I wish I could have spent more time with friends (and family) than on the other things. そして、他のことよりも友達(そして家族)ともっと多くの時間を過ごせたらよかったのにと思います。 All that time you spend watching TV is a huge, huge waste of time. あなたがテレビを見るために費やすすべての時間は、膨大な時間の無駄です。 I don’t know how much TV I’ve watched over the years, but it’s a crapload. Hours and days and weeks I’ll never have back. 何時間も何日も何週間も二度と戻ってこないでしょう。 Who cares what happens on reality TV, when reality is slipping by outside? リアリティが外に滑り込んでいるときに、リアリティTVで何が起こるかを誰が気にしますか? Time is something you’ll never get back — don’t waste it on TV. 時間は二度と戻らないものです—テレビで無駄にしないでください。 Your kids are going to grow up way faster than you think. あなたの子供はあなたが思っているよりずっと早く成長するでしょう。 Don’t waste a minute . 1分も無駄にしないでください。 I just had an Oh My God moment recently. 私は最近、オーマイゴッドの瞬間がありました。 My oldest daughter, Chloe, is 14 going on 15 next month. 私の長女クロエは来月15日に14歳になります。 I have 3 years left with her before she leaves my house and becomes an adult. 3 év van hátra vele, mielőtt elhagyja a házam és felnőtt lesz. 彼女が私の家を離れて大人になるまでに、私は3年間彼女と一緒にいます。 Three years! I am floored by that single fact, because it really doesn’t seem anywhere near enough time. それは実際には十分な時間に近い場所には見えないためです。 Tôi choáng váng trước sự thật duy nhất đó, bởi vì thực sự dường như không có đủ thời gian. I want to go back to my younger self and whack that younger Leo on the head and say Stop working so hard! 私は若い自分に戻って、その若いレオの頭を叩き、一生懸命働くのをやめなさいと言いたいです! Stop watching TV! Spend more time with your kids! These last 15 years with Chloe (and my other wonderful kids) have gone by much, much too fast. クロエ(そして私の他の素晴らしい子供たち)とのこれらの過去15年間は、はるかに速く過ぎ去りました。 Forget the drama. ドラマを忘れて。 Focus on being happy . 幸せになることに焦点を当てます。 There have been many things that have happened to me, professionally and personally, that seem like the end of the world. Sok olyan dolog történt velem, szakmailag és személyesen, amelyek úgy tűnik, mint a világ vége. 世界の終わりのように思える、職業的にも個人的にも、私に起こった多くのことがありました。 And while these things were bad, they get blown up in our heads so that they become major drama. そして、これらは悪いことでしたが、私たちの頭の中で爆破されて、大きなドラマになりました。 They caused me to be depressed from time to time. 彼らは私を時々落ち込ませました。 What a waste of time. なんて時間の無駄だ。 If I realized that it was all in my head, and that I could be happy instead if I focused on the positive, on what I did have, and what I could be doing … I could have skipped all the moping about. それがすべて私の頭の中にあることに気づき、代わりにポジティブ、自分が持っていること、そして自分にできることに焦点を合わせれば幸せになることができたなら…私はすべてのモップをスキップすることができたでしょう。 Pay more attention to blogs when you first hear about them. Nagyobb figyelmet szentel a blogoknak, amikor először hall róluk. ブログについて最初に耳を傾けるときは、ブログにもっと注意を払ってください。 They’re more than just journals . Nem csupán folyóiratok. それらは単なるジャーナル以上のものです。 I first read about blogs 7-8 years ago, but when I took a look at them they didn’t seem like anything of interest. Először olvastam a blogokról 7–8 évvel ezelőtt, de amikor ránéztem, nem tűnt, hogy érdekes. 私が最初にブログについて読んだのは7〜8年前ですが、ブログを見てみると、何も興味がないようでした。 Just some people’s journals about stuff they read on the web. Csak néhány ember folyóirata az interneten olvasott dolgokról. 彼らがウェブ上で読んだものについてのほんの一部の人々のジャーナル。 Why would I want to read those? Miért szeretném elolvasni ezeket? なぜ私はそれらを読みたいのですか? I have my own thoughts about the web, but I don’t need to share them with the world. 私はウェブについて自分の考えを持っていますが、それを世界と共有する必要はありません。 I spent a lot of time on the Internet, on various sites and forums, but every time I happened upon a blog I would brush past it without interest. Nagyon sok időt töltöttem az interneten, különféle webhelyeken és fórumokon, de minden alkalommal, amikor blogba történt, érdeklődés nélkül elhagytam volna. 私はインターネット、さまざまなサイト、フォーラムで多くの時間を費やしましたが、ブログに出くわすたびに興味を持たずにブラシをかけて行きました。 It wasn’t until a couple years ago that I discovered what wonderful things they could be (I mentioned some of my early favorites in my list of influences). 私が彼らがどんなにすばらしいことができるかを発見したのは2年前までではありませんでした(私の影響のリストで私の初期のお気に入りのいくつかを述べました)。 If I had gotten into blogging years ago … well, I wouldn’t have been wasting all that time. もし私が何年も前にブログを始めていたら…まあ、私はその間ずっと無駄にならなかっただろう。 Speaking of which, keep a journal. Ha erről beszélsz, tartson naplót. そういえば、日記をつける。 Seriously. 真剣に。 Your memory is extremely faulty . I forget things really easily. 私は物事を本当に簡単に忘れます。 Not short-term stuff, but long-term. 短期的なものではなく、長期的なものです。 I don’t remember things about my kids' early years, because I didn’t record any of it. 子供の頃のことは何も記録していなかったので覚えていません。 I don’t remember things about my life. 私は自分の人生について覚えていません。 It’s like a lot of foggy memories that I’ll never have access to. それは私が決してアクセスできないたくさんの霧の思い出のようなものです。 I wish I had kept a journal. 日記をつけていたらよかったのに。 Tequila is seriously evil . Tequila súlyosan gonosz. テキーラはひどく邪悪です。 I won’t go into details, but it should suffice to say that I had some bad experiences, and I’m not sure I learned very much from them or benefited in any way except to learn that tequila is the drink of the Devil. Nem mélyülök a részletekbe, de elegendő azt mondani, hogy volt néhány rossz tapasztalatom, és nem vagyok biztos benne, hogy sokat tanultam tőlük, vagy bármilyen módon profitáltam volna, kivéve, ha megtanultam, hogy a tequila az ördög ital. 詳細には触れませんが、私はいくつかの悪い経験をしたと言えば十分であり、テキーラが悪魔の飲み物であることを学ぶことを除いて、私がそれらから多くを学んだか、何らかの形で利益を得たかどうかはわかりません。 Yes, you can do a marathon. はい、マラソンはできます。 Don’t put this goal off — it’s extremely rewarding . この目標を延期しないでください—それは非常にやりがいがあります。 Running a marathon had always been a dream of mine, since high school … something I wanted to do but thought was out of reach. 高校時代以来、マラソンを走ることはいつも私の夢でした。 跑马拉松一直是我的梦想,从高中开始……我想做但认为遥不可及的事情。 Or if I ever did it, it would be years and years later. あるいは私がこれまでにやれば、それは数年後になるでしょう。 或者,如果我曾经这样做过,那将是多年以后。 Well, I learned that it’s not only achievable, it’s incredibly rewarding. まあ、それは達成可能であるだけでなく、信じられないほどやりがいがあることを学びました。 好吧,我了解到这不仅可以实现,而且非常有益。 I wish I had started training when I was young and light and fit … I could have had some good finishing times! 若くて軽くて体に合ったときにトレーニングを始めていたらよかったのに…良いフィニッシュタイムがあったかもしれません! All these mistakes you’re going to make, despite this advice? このアドバイスにもかかわらず、あなたが犯そうとしているこれらすべての間違いは? They’re worth it . 彼らはそれだけの価値があります。 My 18-year-old self would probably have read this post and said, “Good advice!” And then he would have proceeded to make the same mistakes, despite good intentions. A tizennyolc éves énem valószínűleg olvasta volna ezt a posztot, és azt mondta: „Jó tanács!”, Majd a jó szándék ellenére ugyanazokat a hibákat követte volna el. 私の18歳の自己は、おそらくこの投稿を読んで、「良いアドバイスです!」と言ったでしょう。そして、善意にもかかわらず、彼は同じ過ちを犯し始めたでしょう。 I was a good kid, but I wasn’t good at following advice. 私はいい子でしたが、アドバイスに従うのが苦手でした。 I had to make my own mistakes, and live my own life. 私は自分の過ちを犯し、自分の人生を生きなければなりませんでした。 And that’s what I did, and I don’t regret a minute of it. És ezt tettem, és egy pillanatra sem sajnálom. そしてそれは私がしたことです、そして私はそれを少し後悔しません。 Every experience I’ve had (even the tequila ones) have led me down the path of life to where I am today. 私が経験したすべての経験(テキーラのものでさえ)は、私を今日の場所への人生の道へと導きました。 I love where I am today, and wouldn’t trade it for another life for all the world. 私は今日の自分が大好きで、それを世界中の別の人生と交換するつもりはありません。 The pain, the stress, the drama, the hard work, the mistakes, the depression, the hangovers, the debt, the fat … it was all worth it. A fájdalom, a stressz, a dráma, a kemény munka, a hibák, a depresszió, a másnaposságok, az adósság, a kövér ... mindent megértett. 痛み、ストレス、ドラマ、ハードワーク、間違い、うつ病、二日酔い、借金、脂肪…それはすべて価値がありました。 “Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.”  - Mark Twain „Éljünk úgy, hogy amikor meghalunk, akkor még a vállalkozó is sajnálja.” - Mark Twain 「私たちが生きるようにして、私たちが死に至ったときには、葬儀屋でさえも申し訳ありません。」 - Mark Twain «Давайте жить так, что, когда мы умрем, даже гробовщик будет сожалеть». - Марк Твен “让我们活得好好的,当我们死去的时候,连殡仪馆的人都会后悔的。” ——马克吐温 ----

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