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Positive Psychiatry, 2.01 (V) Exercise

2.01 (V) Exercise

Body movement is a fundamental component of human health, evolution, and development. Like many other mammals, humans are made to move, hunt, and run away from predators. But at the same time, humans are also evolved to conserve energy through limiting movement when the opportunity is available. Physical activity is defined here as any type of body movement that uses up energy. Opportunities for physical activity in the modern world are becoming less all the time. The modern world offers an environment where there are ample opportunities to conserve energy. Cars are the dominant mode of transportation. Most jobs are office-based and there are unlimited temptations for sedentary forms of recreation such as tablets, computers, TV, and video games. Only about half of the adult population in Australia meet the core physical activity guideline that is set to two and a half hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity a week. And less than 2 in 10 adults meet the full guideline that also includes participation in strength exercise. In other words, the modern world has removed the need to move in our daily life. Instead, we try to compensate through designer movement such a sports and gym-based activities known as exercise. However, the number of people exercising in the population is disappointingly low because of time, cost, physical conditioning, and skill barriers. Clinical exercise programs aimed at treating or managing chronic conditions are not standard practice and it can be difficult to implement due to low participation. Incidental activity, that is everyday physical activity, may be more feasible for many people. We will now see how physical activity and exercise relate to mental health and well-being. Almost half of the Australian population has experienced some form of mental disorder at some point in their lifetime. The commonest mental health conditions are depression and anxiety. In the World Health Organization recognizes depressive disorders as the leading cause of disability worldwide. Additionally, developing and implementing physical activity and exercise interventions in these population groups is a big challenge because of the existence of multiple physical comorbidities that may limit capacity to exercise and the relatively low priority assigned to a healthy lifestyle by these population groups. There is a lot of overlap between major lifestyle diseases and mental health conditions. For example, between 31 and 45% of patients with coronary artery disease suffer from clinical depression while people with cardiovascular disease, in general, are two to three times more likely to develop depression compared with the general population. This can trigger a vicious circle whereby mental and physical health problems exacerbate each other and both jointly reduce the ability to be physically active leading to worsening health. Physical activity is recommended as an evidence-based treatment for depression by health authorities. Several systematic reviews have highlighted the potential physical activity for the treatment of mild to moderate depression. The value of exercise for more severe forms of depression is less clear, perhaps due to the chicken and egg effect where depression causes reduced motivation for activity and less activity makes the depression worse. For mental health as well as physical health conditions, an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. It is far more cost-effective to prevent the onset of disease rather than seeking to cure them. It is not clear what types of exercise and physical activity are most effective. Most studies have tested aerobic types like walking and running, and fewer studies have tested resistance training or activities like yoga and Tai Chi. All types seem to work reasonably well. The ideal type of physical activity is perhaps less important than the long term participation in physical activity. Unfortunately, the mental health benefits of physical activity are temporary. Sustained participation in exercise programs among mental health patients is very challenging. We do not know the best way to help patients to become and remain physically active in their everyday life or stick to an exercise program. Social isolation and loneliness increase the risk for depression and people suffering from depression are less likely to have strong social networks. Therefore, physical activity and exercise programs that involve group interaction may be a promising option. We prefer to design a program that suits the preferences and circumstances of each individual as this will increase the chances of longterm adherence. This has been a brief introduction to physical activity in mental health. We saw that physical activity plays a big role in the prevention and management of major mental illness. Achieving the minimum recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week would be an excellent start for people with stressful lives who are currently sedentary. Those achieving these recommendations could strive for 300 minutes per week and more engagement in higher intensity physical activity. The most important aspect of the physical activity component of a treatment plan is that recommended activities are enjoyable and achievable, so that the patient adheres to them in the long term. If moderate to intense activity is not an option, light incidental activity can also be beneficial. Incidental activity can be embedded into everyday lifestyles and includes walking or cycling to work, using stairs instead of lifts, taking active breaks from continuous sitting, and replacing short to medium car trips with walking or cycling. For established depression, deliberate scheduling of everyday activities like walking to the shops and doing other errands are encouraged for overcoming lack of motivation and fatigue that often come with depression.

2.01 (V) Exercise 2.01 (V) Exercice 2.01 (V) Pratimai 2.01 (V) Exercício

Body movement is a fundamental component of human health, evolution, and development. Die Bewegung des Körpers ist ein grundlegender Bestandteil der menschlichen Gesundheit, Evolution und Entwicklung. Like many other mammals, humans are made to move, hunt, and run away from predators. Som mange andre pattedyr er mennesker skapt til å flytte, jakte og flykte fra rovdyr. But at the same time, humans are also evolved to conserve energy through limiting movement when the opportunity is available. Gleichzeitig ist der Mensch aber auch so entwickelt, dass er Energie spart, indem er die Bewegung einschränkt, wenn sich die Gelegenheit dazu bietet. Physical activity is defined here as any type of body movement that uses up energy. Opportunities for physical activity in the modern world are becoming less all the time. Les possibilités d'activité physique dans le monde moderne sont de moins en moins nombreuses. The modern world offers an environment where there are ample opportunities to conserve energy. Cars are the dominant mode of transportation. Most jobs are office-based and there are unlimited temptations for sedentary forms of recreation such as tablets, computers, TV, and video games. Only about half of the adult population in Australia meet the core physical activity guideline that is set to two and a half hours of moderate to vigorous physical activity a week. Seule la moitié environ de la population adulte australienne respecte les recommandations de base en matière d'activité physique, à savoir deux heures et demie d'activité physique modérée à vigoureuse par semaine. オーストラリアの成人人口の約半分だけが、週に 2 時間半の中等度から激しい身体活動に設定されている主要な身体活動ガイドラインを満たしています。 And less than 2 in 10 adults meet the full guideline that also includes participation in strength exercise. また、成人の 10 人に 2 人未満が、筋力トレーニングへの参加も含む完全なガイドラインを満たしています。 In other words, the modern world has removed the need to move in our daily life. Instead, we try to compensate through designer movement such a sports and gym-based activities known as exercise. However, the number of people exercising in the population is disappointingly low because of time, cost, physical conditioning, and skill barriers. Cependant, le nombre de personnes faisant de l'exercice dans la population est décevant en raison des obstacles liés au temps, au coût, à la condition physique et aux compétences. Clinical exercise programs aimed at treating or managing chronic conditions are not standard practice and it can be difficult to implement due to low participation. Incidental activity, that is everyday physical activity, may be more feasible for many people. We will now see how physical activity and exercise relate to mental health and well-being. Almost half of the Australian population has experienced some form of mental disorder at some point in their lifetime. The commonest mental health conditions are depression and anxiety. In the World Health Organization recognizes depressive disorders as the leading cause of disability worldwide. Additionally, developing and implementing physical activity and exercise interventions in these population groups is a big challenge because of the existence of multiple physical comorbidities that may limit capacity to exercise and the relatively low priority assigned to a healthy lifestyle by these population groups. さらに、これらの人口グループでの身体活動と運動介入の開発と実施は、運動能力を制限する可能性のある複数の身体的併存疾患の存在と、これらの人口グループによる健康的なライフスタイルの優先順位が比較的低いため、大きな課題です。 There is a lot of overlap between major lifestyle diseases and mental health conditions. Es gibt viele Überschneidungen zwischen den wichtigsten Zivilisationskrankheiten und psychischen Erkrankungen. For example, between 31 and 45% of patients with coronary artery disease suffer from clinical depression while people with cardiovascular disease, in general, are two to three times more likely to develop depression compared with the general population. This can trigger a vicious circle whereby mental and physical health problems exacerbate each other and both jointly reduce the ability to be physically active leading to worsening health. Physical activity is recommended as an evidence-based treatment for depression by health authorities. Several systematic reviews have highlighted the potential physical activity for the treatment of mild to moderate depression. いくつかのシステマティック レビューでは、軽度から中等度のうつ病の治療に身体活動の可能性が強調されています。 The value of exercise for more severe forms of depression is less clear, perhaps due to the chicken and egg effect where depression causes reduced motivation for activity and less activity makes the depression worse. より重度のうつ病に対する運動の価値はあまり明確ではありません。これはおそらく、うつ病によって活動へのモチベーションが低下し、活動が減るとうつ病が悪化するニワトリと卵の効果によるものと思われます。 For mental health as well as physical health conditions, an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure. 精神的健康と身体的健康状態のために、1 オンスの予防は 1 ポンドの治療に値します。 It is far more cost-effective to prevent the onset of disease rather than seeking to cure them. Il est beaucoup plus rentable de prévenir l'apparition des maladies que de chercher à les guérir. 病気を治そうとするよりも、病気の発症を予防する方がはるかに費用対効果が高い. It is not clear what types of exercise and physical activity are most effective. Most studies have tested aerobic types like walking and running, and fewer studies have tested resistance training or activities like yoga and Tai Chi. ほとんどの研究では、ウォーキングやランニングなどの有酸素運動をテストしており、抵抗トレーニングやヨガや太極拳などの活動をテストした研究はほとんどありません. All types seem to work reasonably well. すべてのタイプが適切に機能しているようです。 The ideal type of physical activity is perhaps less important than the long term participation in physical activity. 理想的なタイプの身体活動は、身体活動に長期的に参加することほど重要ではありません。 Unfortunately, the mental health benefits of physical activity are temporary. 残念ながら、身体活動によるメンタルヘルスへのメリットは一時的なものです。 Sustained participation in exercise programs among mental health patients is very challenging. メンタルヘルス患者が運動プログラムに継続的に参加することは非常に困難です。 We do not know the best way to help patients to become and remain physically active in their everyday life or stick to an exercise program. 私たちは、患者が日常生活で身体的に活発になり、それを維持したり、運動プログラムに固執したりするのを助ける最善の方法を知りません. Social isolation and loneliness increase the risk for depression and people suffering from depression are less likely to have strong social networks. 社会的孤立と孤独はうつ病のリスクを高め、うつ病に苦しむ人々は強い社会的ネットワークを持っている可能性が低くなります. Therefore, physical activity and exercise programs that involve group interaction may be a promising option. したがって、グループでの交流を伴う身体活動や運動プログラムは、有望な選択肢となる可能性があります。 We prefer to design a program that suits the preferences and circumstances of each individual as this will increase the chances of longterm adherence. Nous préférons concevoir un programme adapté aux préférences et à la situation de chaque individu, car cela augmente les chances d'une adhésion à long terme. 各個人の好みや状況に合わせてプログラムを設計することを好みます。これにより、長期的なアドヒアランスの可能性が高まります。 This has been a brief introduction to physical activity in mental health. これは、メンタルヘルスにおける身体活動の簡単な紹介でした。 We saw that physical activity plays a big role in the prevention and management of major mental illness. Achieving the minimum recommendations of 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per week would be an excellent start for people with stressful lives who are currently sedentary. 週に 150 分間の中等度から活発な身体活動の最小推奨事項を達成することは、現在座りがちなストレスの多い生活を送っている人々にとって優れたスタートとなります。 Those achieving these recommendations could strive for 300 minutes per week and more engagement in higher intensity physical activity. これらの推奨事項を達成した人は、週に 300 分、より強度の高い身体活動により多く取り組むことができます。 The most important aspect of the physical activity component of a treatment plan is that recommended activities are enjoyable and achievable, so that the patient adheres to them in the long term. 治療計画の身体活動コンポーネントの最も重要な側面は、推奨される活動が楽しく達成可能であることであり、それにより患者は長期的にそれらを順守する. If moderate to intense activity is not an option, light incidental activity can also be beneficial. 中程度から激しい活動が選択肢にない場合は、軽い付随的な活動も有益です。 Incidental activity can be embedded into everyday lifestyles and includes walking or cycling to work, using stairs instead of lifts, taking active breaks from continuous sitting, and replacing short to medium car trips with walking or cycling. 付随的な活動は毎日のライフスタイルに組み込むことができ、徒歩や自転車での通勤、リフトの代わりに階段の使用、継続的な座りからの積極的な休憩、短距離から中距離の車での移動を徒歩や自転車に置き換えることが含まれます。 For established depression, deliberate scheduling of everyday activities like walking to the shops and doing other errands are encouraged for overcoming lack of motivation and fatigue that often come with depression. Dans le cas d'une dépression avérée, la programmation délibérée d'activités quotidiennes telles que la marche pour aller faire les courses est encouragée pour surmonter le manque de motivation et la fatigue qui accompagnent souvent la dépression. 確立されたうつ病の場合、うつ病によく伴うやる気の欠如や疲労を克服するために、買い物に行くなどの日常活動を計画的に計画することや、他の用事をすることが推奨されます。