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Positive Psychology, 1.02 (V) Module 1 Introduction

1.02 (V) Module 1 Introduction

[MUSIC] Welcome to the first module of this course. I invite you to join me as I share my personal experience, as well as some of the surprising research breakthroughs that have defined this visionary science of well being. In this module, you'll learn about important research that can change your own life for the better. Including, the science of learned helplessness and learned optimism. My perma-model in the five foundations of human flourishing. This is based on decades of research. And what makes life worth living. Your own experience is an important of this course. In this module. We will also begin to learn simple exercises, scientifically shown to increase happiness and well-being. This week features a gratitude excercise, and in this spirit, I thank you once again for joining me in this course. Now, let's get started.

1.02 (V) Module 1 Introduction 1.02 (V) Modulo 1 Introduzione 1.02 (V) Module 1 Inleiding 1.02 (V) 模块 1 简介

[MUSIC] Welcome to the first module of this course. [音乐] 欢迎来到本课程的第一个模块。 I invite you to join me as I share my personal experience, as well as some of the surprising research breakthroughs that have defined this visionary science of well being. 私の個人的な経験と、この先見の明のある幸福科学を定義した驚くべき研究のブレークスルーの一部を共有すると同時に、私も参加してください。 我邀请您加入我的行列,我将分享我的个人经历,以及定义这一富有远见的幸福科学的一些令人惊讶的研究突破。 In this module, you'll learn about important research that can change your own life for the better. Including, the science of learned helplessness and learned optimism. を含む、学んだ無力感と学んだ楽観主義。 My perma-model in the five foundations of human flourishing. 人間の繁栄の5つの基盤における私のパーマモデル。 This is based on decades of research. これは何十年にも及ぶ研究に基づいています。 And what makes life worth living. そして、人生を生きる価値のあるものにします。 Your own experience is an important of this course. このコースでは、あなた自身の経験が重要です。 In this module. このモジュール。 We will also begin to learn simple exercises, scientifically shown to increase happiness and well-being. また、幸福と幸福を高めることが科学的に示されている簡単な演習を学び始めます。 This week features a gratitude excercise, and in this spirit, I thank you once again for joining me in this course. 今週は感謝のエクササイズを行います。この精神で、このコースに参加してくれてありがとう。 Now, let's get started. さあ、始めましょう。