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Speak English Professionally, 1.12 (V) The Elevator Speech

1.12 (V) The Elevator Speech

[MUSIC] » Welcome to our final lesson in module one. In this lesson, you will work on something called an elevator speech. We will identify what an elevator speech is. And after this lesson, you will create, deliver and post your own personal elevator speech. In the professional world, networking or getting to know others in your field is very important. At events like conferences and parties or in every day chance encounters, you will have the opportunity to network and create important personal connections. Let's look at what can happen when you meet somebody important and have a great opportunity to make a connection. » Mrs. Stephens. » Yes. » Hello. » Hello. » I've been trying to reach you since a long time ago. And finally, I can reach you. » Great. Nice to see you. » Nice to see you and- » Right. » I got to go. Sorry. » [LAUGH] » No connection there. So, what is the best way to make the connection? In today's business world, the elevator speech has become the way to both introduce yourself and make the other person want to talk more with you. And remember, you in a positive way. We call them elevator speeches, because they are short like an elevator ride. Yes, they can take place in an elevator. But in reality, they happen everywhere. So what exactly should an Elevator Speech include? Like any successful speech, it should tell a story, your story. It gives your listeners facts about who you are and makes you someone they want to know. It tells them how you are important to them. At the end of your elevator speech, the person you're talking to should want to know more about you. Finally, end your elevator speech by telling your listener, you will contact them soon to continue the conversation. What else should you remember when making your elevator speech? Like every face to face encounter, how you sound and how you look is even more important than what you say. What will help you sound and look good? In addition to rhythm and intonation, you want to think about and practice speed and volume. How fast should you speak? How loud? Speak slowly, so your listeners understand you. When you speak slowly, you show that you are aware of your listeners and are trying hard to connect with them. Second, you pauses or short stops to highlight important information and help your listeners to hear key points. Change your volume and voice energy. As you speak louder and softer to emphasize important words or phrases it helps if your listeners understand you and connect to what you're saying. Lastly, what else makes you look good? Body language. Your body's nonverbal way of communicating. Use it to let listeners know that you are confident, enthusiastic, friendly, knowledgeable and organized. Although body language is different in different cultures, some is universal. Your face reflects your emotions. When you smile and look friendly, your listeners know how you feel. Just like your voice, your face shows your energy. Generally, it helps to make eye contact with your listeners. It says that you are thinking about them and talking to them. Stand tall. Add hand gestures to emphasize important points and look natural to your listeners. Use your body language to present your best self, friendly, enthusiastic and confident. In this lesson, we identified what an elevator speech is and why we make them? Let's take a minute and review by looking at a successful elevator speech. Hello, Mrs. Stephens. I'm so happy to meet you. My name is Roosevelt and I've been working in the accounting department for about two years. I've studied new software applications and I think they will be great for us. I would love to introduce them to you. » I would like that. Why don't you send me an email, and we'll set something up. » I definitely will. Thanks so much. I look forward to going over these programs to help the company. Thanks and see you soon. » And what made that speech successful? It told a story and made us want to learn more. It led to a future encounter. It was easy to understand and it was friendly, energetic and natural. There are many sample elevator speeches available to view online. Before you make your own elevator speech, find one you really like on YouTube and watch it a few times. Finally, for your last assignment in this module, create your own elevator speech. Record a one to two minute video role play of an elevator speech and introduce yourself to the class. Catch our attention, give us information about yourself and make us want to get to know you better. Before you submit your speech, practice, practice, practice. Do it in front of a mirror. Do it for a family member or a friend. Record and listen to it. Elevator speeches are your chance to show off. Put your best forward and have fun. I look forward to seeing your elevator speech. [SOUND]

1.12 (V) The Elevator Speech 1.12 (V) O Discurso do Elevador 1.12 (V) Речь в лифте

[MUSIC] » Welcome to our final lesson in module one. [音楽]»モジュール1の最後のレッスンへようこそ。 In this lesson, you will work on something called an elevator speech. このレッスンでは、エレベータースピーチと呼ばれるものに取り組みます。 We will identify what an elevator speech is. エレベーターのスピーチとは何かを特定します。 And after this lesson, you will create, deliver and post your own personal elevator speech. そして、このレッスンの後、あなたはあなた自身の個人的なエレベーターのスピーチを作成し、配信し、そして投稿します。 In the professional world, networking or getting to know others in your field is very important. 専門家の世界では、ネットワーキングやあなたの分野の他の人と知り合うことは非常に重要です。 No mundo profissional, fazer networking ou conhecer outras pessoas na sua área é muito importante. At events like conferences and parties or in every day chance encounters, you will have the opportunity to network and create important personal connections. 会議やパーティーなどのイベントや、毎日の偶然の出会いでは、ネットワークを構築し、重要な個人的なつながりを築く機会があります。 Em eventos como conferências e festas ou em encontros casuais todos os dias, você terá a oportunidade de fazer networking e criar conexões pessoais importantes. Let's look at what can happen when you meet somebody important and have a great opportunity to make a connection. 重要な人と出会い、つながりを築く絶好の機会があったときに何が起こるかを見てみましょう。 » Mrs. Stephens. »スティーブンス夫人。 » Yes. » Hello. » Hello. » I've been trying to reach you since a long time ago. »私はずっと前からあなたに連絡しようとしてきました。 » Estou tentando entrar em contato com você há muito tempo. And finally, I can reach you. そして最後に、私はあなたに連絡することができます。 E finalmente, eu posso chegar até você. » Great. " すごい。 Nice to see you. お会いできてうれしいです。 » Nice to see you and- » Right. »はじめまして-»そうです。 » I got to go. " いかなければいけない。 " Eu tenho que ir. Sorry. ごめんなさい。 » [LAUGH] » No connection there. »[笑い]»そこには接続がありません。 So, what is the best way to make the connection? それで、接続を確立するための最良の方法は何ですか? In today's business world, the elevator speech has become the way to both introduce yourself and make the other person want to talk more with you. 今日のビジネスの世界では、エレベーターのスピーチは、自己紹介と他の人にあなたともっと話したいと思わせる方法の両方になっています。 No mundo dos negócios de hoje, o discurso de elevador tornou-se a maneira de se apresentar e fazer com que a outra pessoa queira conversar mais com você. And remember, you in a positive way. そして覚えておいてください、あなたは前向きな方法で。 We call them elevator speeches, because they are short like an elevator ride. エレベーターに乗るような短いので、エレベータースピーチと呼びます。 Nós os chamamos de discursos de elevador, porque são curtos como uma viagem de elevador. Yes, they can take place in an elevator. はい、エレベーターで行うことができます。 But in reality, they happen everywhere. しかし実際には、それらはどこでも起こります。 So what exactly should an Elevator Speech include? では、エレベータースピーチには正確に何を含める必要がありますか? Like any successful speech, it should tell a story, your story. 他の成功したスピーチのように、それは物語、あなたの物語を語るべきです。 It gives your listeners facts about who you are and makes you someone they want to know. それはあなたのリスナーにあなたが誰であるかについての事実を与え、あなたを彼らが知りたい誰かにします。 Dá aos seus ouvintes fatos sobre quem você é e faz de você alguém que eles querem conhecer. It tells them how you are important to them. それはあなたが彼らにとってどのように重要であるかを彼らに伝えます。 At the end of your elevator speech, the person you're talking to should want to know more about you. Finally, end your elevator speech by telling your listener, you will contact them soon to continue the conversation. What else should you remember when making your elevator speech? エレベーターのスピーチをするとき、他に何を覚えておくべきですか? O que mais você deve se lembrar ao fazer seu discurso de elevador? Like every face to face encounter, how you sound and how you look is even more important than what you say. すべての対面の出会いのように、あなたがどのように聞こえるか、そしてあなたがどのように見えるかはあなたが言うことよりもさらに重要です。 What will help you sound and look good? 何があなたの音と見栄えを良くするのに役立ちますか? In addition to rhythm and intonation, you want to think about and practice speed and volume. リズムとイントネーションに加えて、スピードとボリュームについて考え、練習したいと思います。 How fast should you speak? どれくらい速く話すべきですか? How loud? どれくらい大きいですか? Speak slowly, so your listeners understand you. ゆっくり話すので、リスナーはあなたを理解します。 When you speak slowly, you show that you are aware of your listeners and are trying hard to connect with them. ゆっくり話すとき、あなたはあなたがあなたのリスナーに気づいていて、彼らとつながるために一生懸命に努力していることを示します。 Quando você fala devagar, você mostra que está ciente de seus ouvintes e está se esforçando para se conectar com eles. Second, you pauses or short stops to highlight important information and help your listeners to hear key points. 次に、一時停止または一時停止して重要な情報を強調し、リスナーが重要なポイントを聞くのを助けます。 Change your volume and voice energy. 音量と音声エネルギーを変更します。 As you speak louder and softer to emphasize important words or phrases it helps if your listeners understand you and connect to what you're saying. 重要な単語やフレーズを強調するために大声で小声で話すとき、リスナーがあなたを理解し、あなたが言っていることにつながると役立ちます。 Lastly, what else makes you look good? 最後に、他に何があなたを美しく見せますか? Body language. ボディランゲージ。 Your body's nonverbal way of communicating. A forma não-verbal do seu corpo de se comunicar. Use it to let listeners know that you are confident, enthusiastic, friendly, knowledgeable and organized. それを使用して、あなたが自信を持って、熱心で、友好的で、知識が豊富で、組織化されていることをリスナーに知らせます。 Although body language is different in different cultures, some is universal. ボディーランゲージは文化によって異なりますが、普遍的なものもあります。 Your face reflects your emotions. あなたの顔はあなたの感情を反映しています。 When you smile and look friendly, your listeners know how you feel. あなたが笑顔で友好的に見えるとき、あなたのリスナーはあなたがどのように感じているかを知っています。 Just like your voice, your face shows your energy. あなたの声のように、あなたの顔はあなたのエネルギーを示しています。 Generally, it helps to make eye contact with your listeners. 一般的に、それはあなたのリスナーとアイコンタクトをとるのに役立ちます。 It says that you are thinking about them and talking to them. それはあなたが彼らについて考え、彼らと話していると言っています。 Stand tall. 堂々と立つ。 Fique de pé. Add hand gestures to emphasize important points and look natural to your listeners. Use your body language to present your best self, friendly, enthusiastic and confident. あなたのボディーランゲージを使用して、あなたの最高の自己、友好的、熱狂的、そして自信を示してください。 In this lesson, we identified what an elevator speech is and why we make them? このレッスンでは、エレベーターのスピーチとは何か、なぜそれらを作成するのかを特定しました。 Let's take a minute and review by looking at a successful elevator speech. Hello, Mrs. Stephens. I'm so happy to meet you. お会いできてとてもうれしいです。 My name is Roosevelt and I've been working in the accounting department for about two years. 私の名前はルーズベルトです。経理部で約2年間働いています。 I've studied new software applications and I think they will be great for us. 私は新しいソフトウェアアプリケーションを研究しましたが、それらは私たちにとって素晴らしいものになると思います。 I would love to introduce them to you. それらを紹介したいと思います。 » I would like that. »お願いします。 Why don't you send me an email, and we'll set something up. 私にメールを送ってみませんか。何かを設定します。 Por que você não me manda um e-mail, e nós marcamos alguma coisa. » I definitely will. »私は間違いなくそうします。 Thanks so much. 本当にありがとう。 I look forward to going over these programs to help the company. 会社を助けるためにこれらのプログラムを検討することを楽しみにしています。 Estou ansioso para passar por cima desses programas para ajudar a empresa. Thanks and see you soon. ありがとう、また会いましょう。 » And what made that speech successful? »そして、そのスピーチを成功させたのはなぜですか? » E o que fez esse discurso dar certo? It told a story and made us want to learn more. それは物語を語り、私たちにもっと学びたいと思わせました。 It led to a future encounter. それは将来の出会いにつながりました。 Isso levou a um encontro futuro. It was easy to understand and it was friendly, energetic and natural. わかりやすく、親しみやすく、エネルギッシュで自然でした。 There are many sample elevator speeches available to view online. オンラインで表示できるエレベーターのスピーチのサンプルはたくさんあります。 Before you make your own elevator speech, find one you really like on YouTube and watch it a few times. 自分でエレベーターのスピーチをする前に、YouTubeで本当に好きなものを見つけて、数回見てください。 Antes de fazer seu próprio discurso de elevador, encontre um que você realmente goste no YouTube e assista algumas vezes. Finally, for your last assignment in this module, create your own elevator speech. Record a one to two minute video role play of an elevator speech and introduce yourself to the class. エレベーターのスピーチの1〜2分のビデオロールプレイを録画し、クラスに自己紹介します。 Grave uma encenação em vídeo de um a dois minutos de um discurso de elevador e apresente-se à classe. Catch our attention, give us information about yourself and make us want to get to know you better. 私たちの注意を引き、あなた自身についての情報を私たちに与え、私たちがあなたをよりよく知りたいと思うようにしてください。 Chame a nossa atenção, dê-nos informações sobre si e faça-nos querer conhecê-lo melhor. Before you submit your speech, practice, practice, practice. スピーチを提出する前に、練習、練習、練習。 Antes de enviar seu discurso, pratique, pratique, pratique. Do it in front of a mirror. 鏡の前でやってください。 Do it for a family member or a friend. 家族や友人のためにそれをしてください。 Record and listen to it. 録音して聞いてください。 Elevator speeches are your chance to show off. エレベーターのスピーチは自慢するチャンスです。 Discursos de elevador são sua chance de se exibir. Put your best forward and have fun. 最善を尽くして楽しんでください。 Dê o seu melhor e divirta-se. I look forward to seeing your elevator speech. エレベーターのスピーチを楽しみにしています。 [SOUND] [音]