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Speak English Professionally, 1.04 (V) Small Talk & Conversational Vocabulary

1.04 (V) Small Talk & Conversational Vocabulary

[MUSIC] Welcome to module one. In this module, you'll learn about and practice speaking in person for making small talk to introducing yourself professionally. A key component of this module is to focus on pronunciation skills that will help you to become more fluent and more confident when you speak English. First, let's look at small talk. Now, what is small talk? Small talk is how many conversations begin. It's just short conversations about every day topics, but those short conversations can lead to longer and more important ones. And in the working world being able to make small talk, feeling comfortable making small talk, often leads to greater professional success. So that's why as you work on becoming a better English speaker, you want to have many, many small talk conversations. Small talk is where conversations begin, but how do you start? And how do you keep the conversation going? Take a minute and think about how you begin conversations in your own language. What kind of greetings do you use? What do you talk about? While every conversation is different, you can probably think of many ways they are the same. Opening lines, ways you introduce yourself and things you talk about. It's the same in English. In this video, we're going to look at examples of small talk conversations. We'll focus on key phrases to use to help make small talk easier and more fun. First, let's look at how you can introduce yourself to someone new. Hello, I'm Jody. What's your name? » Hello, I'm Ben. » Nice to meet you, Ben. » Simple, right? Introductions are easy. And often, when you introduce yourself first, it's makes the other person feel more comfortable talking to you. And once you've heard the other person's name, say it. Nice to meet you, Ben. It's welcoming and it helps you to remember the new name. What's next? Make a connection and ask some questions. This is a great event, isn't it? What brings you here? » I'm here for work and you? » Me too. What kind of work do you do? » Now that you've made a connection, listen, listen and listen. Here's a chance to learn a little bit more about the person. Find out what you have in common and keep the conversation going. Smile and keep your eyes on the person you're talking to. So, you're in technology? What do you think about my new phone? » Wow, it's really great. I haven't seen one of those yet. » You're right, it is great. Once you're comfortable with someone, it's easy to keep the conversation going. What are some other popular small talk topics? Hobbies, family, news, sports, just to name a few. And remember, the more detail you add to a conversation, the easier it is to keep it going. Don't just answer yes or no. And as you find yourself coming to the end of a conversation, keep it going with a plan to see that person again. Have you tried that new restaurant across the street? » No, but I've heard a lot about it. The chef is famous and the food is delicious. » I'd really like to try it. Want to join me? So, what do you need to do to make your small talk meaningful? Introduce yourself. Ask questions. Be a good listener. Show your interest and find out what you, and the other person have in common. Think of ways to extend the conversation. Small talk could be the start of a new friendship, a new job and an interesting connection. Making small talk confidently is a key skill and one I hope you'll practice and enjoy more and more. [SOUND]

1.04 (V) Small Talk & Conversational Vocabulary 1.04 (V) محادثة صغيرة ومفردات تحادثية 1.04 (V) Small Talk und Konversationswortschatz 1.04 (V) Conversación y vocabulario conversacional 1.04 (V) スモールトークと会話語彙 1.04 (V) Conversa fiada e vocabulário de conversação 1.04 (V) Светская беседа и разговорная лексика 1.04 (V) Küçük Konuşma ve Konuşma Kelime Bilgisi 1.04 (V) Світська бесіда та розмовна лексика 1.04 (V) 闲聊和会话词汇 1.04 (V) 小对话和会话词汇

[MUSIC] Welcome to module one. [موسيقى] مرحبًا بك في الوحدة الأولى. [MÚSICA] Bem-vindo ao módulo um. [MÜZİK] Birinci modüle hoş geldiniz. In this module, you'll learn about and practice speaking in person for making small talk to introducing yourself professionally. في هذه الوحدة ، ستتعلم وتتدرب على التحدث شخصيًا لإجراء محادثة قصيرة لتقديم نفسك بشكل احترافي. Neste módulo, aprenderá e praticará a falar pessoalmente por fazer pequenas conversas para se apresentar profissionalmente. Bu modülde, kendinizi profesyonel olarak tanıtmak için havadan sudan konuşmak için yüz yüze konuşmayı öğrenecek ve pratik yapacaksınız. A key component of this module is to focus on pronunciation skills that will help you to become more fluent and more confident when you speak English. يتمثل أحد المكونات الرئيسية لهذه الوحدة في التركيز على مهارات النطق التي ستساعدك على أن تصبح أكثر طلاقة وثقة عندما تتحدث الإنجليزية. Uma componente chave deste módulo é concentrar-se nas capacidades de pronúncia que o ajudarão a tornar-se mais fluente e mais confiante quando fala inglês. Bu modülün önemli bir bileşeni, İngilizce konuşurken daha akıcı ve kendinden emin olmanıza yardımcı olacak telaffuz becerilerine odaklanmaktır. First, let's look at small talk. أولاً ، دعونا نلقي نظرة على حديث صغير. Először is nézzük meg a csevegést. Primeiro, vejamos a conversa fiada. İlk olarak, küçük sohbete bakalım. Now, what is small talk? الآن ، ما هو الحديث الصغير؟ Nos, mi az a small talk? Agora, o que é conversa fiada? Şimdi, havadan sudan konuşmak nedir? Small talk is how many conversations begin. الحديث الصغير هو عدد المحادثات التي تبدأ. Sok beszélgetés a csevegéssel kezdődik. 世間話は、会話が始まる回数です。 Conversa fiada é quantas conversas começam. Küçük konuşma, kaç konuşmanın başladığıdır. It's just short conversations about every day topics, but those short conversations can lead to longer and more important ones. إنها مجرد محادثات قصيرة حول مواضيع يومية ، لكن تلك المحادثات القصيرة يمكن أن تؤدي إلى محادثات أطول وأكثر أهمية. Ez csak rövid beszélgetés mindennapi témákról, de ezek a rövid beszélgetések hosszabb és fontosabb beszélgetésekhez vezethetnek. São apenas conversas curtas sobre tópicos do dia a dia, mas essas conversas curtas podem levar a conversas mais longas e importantes. Bunlar sadece günlük konularla ilgili kısa sohbetlerdir, ancak bu kısa sohbetler daha uzun ve daha önemli sohbetlere yol açabilir. And in the working world being able to make small talk, feeling comfortable making small talk, often leads to greater professional success. وفي عالم العمل ، فإن القدرة على إجراء محادثة قصيرة ، والشعور بالراحة عند إجراء محادثة قصيرة ، غالبًا ما تؤدي إلى نجاح مهني أكبر. A munka világában pedig a csevegés képessége, a csevegés komfortérzete gyakran nagyobb szakmai sikerhez vezet. E no mundo do trabalho, ser capaz de bater papo, sentir-se à vontade para bater papo, muitas vezes leva a um maior sucesso profissional. Ve iş dünyasında havadan sudan sohbet edebilmek, havadan sudan sohbet ederken kendini rahat hissetmek genellikle daha büyük profesyonel başarıya yol açar. So that's why as you work on becoming a better English speaker, you want to have many, many small talk conversations. لهذا السبب بينما تعمل على أن تصبح متحدثًا أفضل للغة الإنجليزية ، فأنت تريد إجراء العديد من المحادثات الصغيرة. Ezért van az, hogy miközben azon dolgozol, hogy jobb angol beszélő legyél, sok-sok beszélgetést akarsz folytatni. É por isso que ao trabalhar para se tornar um melhor falante de inglês, quer ter muitas, muitas conversas de conversa fiada. İşte bu yüzden, daha iyi bir İngilizce konuşmacısı olmak için çalışırken, pek çok küçük sohbetler yapmak istersiniz. Small talk is where conversations begin, but how do you start? الحديث الصغير هو المكان الذي تبدأ فيه المحادثات ، ولكن كيف تبدأ؟ 世間話は会話の始まりですが、どのように始めますか? Conversa fiada é onde as conversas começam, mas como é que se começa? Küçük konuşma, konuşmaların başladığı yerdir, ancak nasıl başlarsınız? And how do you keep the conversation going? وكيف تحافظ على استمرار المحادثة؟ また、どのように会話を続けていますか? E como se mantém a conversa? Ve sohbeti nasıl devam ettirirsiniz? Take a minute and think about how you begin conversations in your own language. Szánjon egy percet arra, hogy átgondolja, hogyan kezdi a beszélgetést a saját nyelvén. Tome um minuto e pense em como começar as conversas na sua própria língua. Bir dakikanızı ayırın ve kendi dilinizde konuşmaya nasıl başladığınızı düşünün. What kind of greetings do you use? Que tipo de saudações usa? Ne tür selamlar kullanıyorsunuz? What do you talk about? Miről beszéltek? Sobre o que é que fala? Ne hakkında konuşuyorsun? While every conversation is different, you can probably think of many ways they are the same. في حين أن كل محادثة مختلفة ، يمكنك على الأرجح التفكير في العديد من الطرق التي تتشابه فيها. Bár minden beszélgetés más és más, valószínűleg sok mindent el tudsz képzelni, ami hasonló. Embora cada conversa seja diferente, é provável que se possa pensar em muitas formas de serem iguais. Her konuşma farklı olsa da, muhtemelen birçok yönden aynı olduklarını düşünebilirsiniz. Opening lines, ways you introduce yourself and things you talk about. السطور الافتتاحية ، والطرق التي تقدم بها نفسك والأشياء التي تتحدث عنها. Linhas de abertura, maneiras de se apresentar e coisas sobre as quais você fala. Açılış satırları, kendinizi tanıtma biçimleriniz ve konuştuğunuz şeyler. It's the same in English. İngilizcede de aynı. In this video, we're going to look at examples of small talk conversations. في هذا الفيديو ، سنلقي نظرة على أمثلة للمحادثات الصغيرة. Bu videoda havadan sudan konuşma örneklerine bakacağız. We'll focus on key phrases to use to help make small talk easier and more fun. سنركز على العبارات الرئيسية التي نستخدمها للمساعدة في جعل الحديث الصغير أسهل وأكثر متعة. A legfontosabb mondatokra fogunk összpontosítani, amelyek segítségével könnyebbé és szórakoztatóbbá tehetjük a társalgást. 雑談をより簡単に、より楽しくするために使用するキー フレーズに焦点を当てます。 Havadan sudan sohbetleri daha kolay ve daha eğlenceli hale getirmek için kullanılacak anahtar ifadelere odaklanacağız. First, let's look at how you can introduce yourself to someone new. أولاً ، دعنا نلقي نظرة على كيفية تقديم نفسك لشخص جديد. İlk olarak, kendinizi yeni birine nasıl tanıtabileceğinize bakalım. Hello, I'm Jody. مرحبًا ، أنا جودي. Merhaba, ben Jody. What's your name? ما اسمك؟ Adınız ne? » Hello, I'm Ben. » Merhaba, ben Ben. » Nice to meet you, Ben. » Tanıştığıma memnun oldum, Ben. » Simple, right? »بسيطة ، أليس كذلك؟ » Basit, değil mi? Introductions are easy. المقدمات سهلة. Tanıtımlar kolaydır. And often, when you introduce yourself first, it's makes the other person feel more comfortable talking to you. وغالبًا ، عندما تقدم نفسك أولاً ، فإن ذلك يجعل الشخص الآخر يشعر براحة أكبر في التحدث إليك. És gyakran, ha először bemutatkozol, a másik személy is jobban érzi magát, ha veled beszélget. Ve çoğu zaman, önce kendinizi tanıttığınızda, diğer kişinin sizinle konuşurken daha rahat hissetmesini sağlar. And once you've heard the other person's name, say it. وبمجرد أن تسمع اسم الشخص الآخر ، قلها. És ha már hallottad a másik nevét, mondd ki. E uma vez que você ouviu o nome da outra pessoa, diga. Ve diğer kişinin adını duyduğunda, söyle. Nice to meet you, Ben. سعدت بلقائك يا بن. Tanıştığıma memnun oldum, Ben. It's welcoming and it helps you to remember the new name. إنه مرحب به ويساعدك على تذكر الاسم الجديد. Ez barátságos, és segít megjegyezni az új nevet. Samimidir ve yeni adı hatırlamanıza yardımcı olur. What's next? Sıradaki ne? Make a connection and ask some questions. قم بإجراء اتصال واطرح بعض الأسئلة. Bir bağlantı kurun ve bazı sorular sorun. This is a great event, isn't it? Bu harika bir olay, değil mi? What brings you here? Mi szél hozta ide? Seni buraya ne getirdi? » I'm here for work and you? » Ben iş için buradayım ya siz? » Me too. " Ben de. What kind of work do you do? Ne tür bir iş yapıyorsun? » Now that you've made a connection, listen, listen and listen. » Artık bir bağlantı kurduğunuza göre dinleyin, dinleyin ve dinleyin. Here's a chance to learn a little bit more about the person. Itt a lehetőség, hogy egy kicsit többet tudjunk meg a személyről. İşte kişi hakkında biraz daha fazla şey öğrenmek için bir şans. Find out what you have in common and keep the conversation going. Találd ki, mi a közös bennetek, és folytasd a beszélgetést. Descubra o que vocês têm em comum e continue a conversa. Ortak noktalarınızı bulun ve sohbeti devam ettirin. Smile and keep your eyes on the person you're talking to. Gülümse ve gözlerini konuştuğun kişiden ayırma. So, you're in technology? Szóval, a technológiával foglalkozol? Então, você está em tecnologia? Demek teknolojidesin? What do you think about my new phone? Yeni telefonum hakkında ne düşünüyorsunuz? » Wow, it's really great. » Vay canına, gerçekten harika. I haven't seen one of those yet. 私はそれらのうちの1つをまだ見たことがありません。 Henüz onlardan birini görmedim. » You're right, it is great. » Haklısın, harika. Once you're comfortable with someone, it's easy to keep the conversation going. What are some other popular small talk topics? Melyek még néhány népszerű csevegési téma? Hobbies, family, news, sports, just to name a few. Hobbi, család, hírek, sport, hogy csak néhányat említsek. Hobbies, família, notícias, esportes, só para citar alguns. And remember, the more detail you add to a conversation, the easier it is to keep it going. És ne feledje, minél több részletet ad egy beszélgetéshez, annál könnyebb azt folytatni. Don't just answer yes or no. Ne csak igennel vagy nemmel válaszoljon. はい、いいえだけで答えないでください。 And as you find yourself coming to the end of a conversation, keep it going with a plan to see that person again. És ha egy beszélgetés végére érsz, folytasd a beszélgetést azzal a tervvel, hogy újra találkozol az adott személlyel. そして、会話が終わりに近づいていることに気付いたら、その人にもう一度会う計画を立てて会話を続けてください。 E quando você se encontrar chegando ao final de uma conversa, continue com um plano para ver essa pessoa novamente. Have you tried that new restaurant across the street? Kipróbáltad már azt az új éttermet az utca túloldalán? » No, but I've heard a lot about it. » いいえ、よく耳にします。 The chef is famous and the food is delicious. A séf híres és az ételek finomak. » I'd really like to try it. " Nagyon szeretném kipróbálni. Want to join me? Akarsz csatlakozni hozzám? Quer se juntar a mim? So, what do you need to do to make your small talk meaningful? Mit kell tehát tenned, hogy a csevegésed értelmes legyen? Então, o que você precisa fazer para tornar sua conversa fiada significativa? Introduce yourself. Ask questions. Be a good listener. Show your interest and find out what you, and the other person have in common. Mutassa ki érdeklődését, és találja ki, mi a közös Önben és a másik személyben. Think of ways to extend the conversation. Gondolkodjon el azon, hogyan lehet kiterjeszteni a beszélgetést. Small talk could be the start of a new friendship, a new job and an interesting connection. Making small talk confidently is a key skill and one I hope you'll practice and enjoy more and more. Fazer conversa fiada com confiança é uma habilidade fundamental e espero que você pratique e aprecie cada vez mais. [SOUND]