Text To Speech Not Working On Chrome Windows 10 For Ukrainian


Text To Speech is not working for Ukrainian on Chrome (windows 10)
Works fine on my Android phone though.

Is it me or anyone else?

Thanks for reporting this! Ukrainian TTS wasn’t available on Google Translate, but it seems that it is available now and we will add it. Please give us a day or two and it will be done.

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Oh my god, thank you!

It’s been 3 days, any update on the TTS?

I spoke about this with our developers and unfortunately it’s still not possible to add Ukrainian TTS.
Google Translate does have Ukrainian available on the sute, but they didn’t add it yet to the api that they provide for external use. We will need to wait until it happens.

Well, I’ll just have to use my tablet then! That’s okay, but I appreciate your effort for the community all the time! Thank you very much, I wish you a good day.