Sharing accounts allowed?

Is sharing accounts between family members permitted? I have had a premium account for a while to learn Japanese and recently my wife said that she would like to start practicing English. I don’t think she’s interested enough to pay for a second premium account so I’m asking if we are allowed to share an account since we are both learning separate languages?


@gerdemb - As per our Terms, this is not allowed. However, it also isn’t that practical. Each account contains specific data related to an individual learner, including the account information, learning activity, learning statistics, site preferences and more.

Fair enough.

She actually has a free account, but the number of LingQs is so limited on the free accounts that it was harassing her to upgrade before she’d really gotten started or even understood how the site is supposed to work. Personally, I think that LingQ is one of the best systems out there for studying languages, but it is hard to explain to people used to more “traditional” methods. I’m afraid that the free accounts have been so limited that people won’t even have a chance to really try and understand the site before they are nagged to pay.

Anyway, just my two cents, as a long-term LingQ user who is concerned about the future of the site…


There is nothing to prevent more than one person from accessing an account. However, language learning is a personal journey. Our interests are different. The words we choose to learn and save are different. Our achievements, and statistics at LingQ, are different. I think the money saved by having group access is insignificant compared to the time that needs to be invested by each learner. There is a far greater return on that investment of time with individual accounts.

As to our reduced limits for free users, we will have to see how this plays out. So far we have seen a dramatic increase in upgrades. We don’t know if this is sustainable or not. If people made their decisions rationally, you would be right. However, I don’t think they do, or at least most people don’t. I think most people decide very quickly whether to buy something or not. We have hundreds of people sign up for LingQ every day. Very few of them upgrade. Most lose interest. If we can get those people who were interested enough to sign up, to then upgrade, while they are still interested, we will increase our paid membership. Once people upgrade, they tend to do more on the site. Time will tell. Thanks for your concern.

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