Report hint feature highly unintuitive

I just noticed that one can report hints in the browser. I remember we could do this many years ago but I thought that was removed. I guess it’s a new feature. Whatever the case, I think the way it is setup is very confusing. Here is an example

I click on the report button and get this

I don’t know how I am meant to interpret these buttons. If I press an X, does that report the hint or does that remove it from the list of hints that get reported when I click done? When I click the done button, does that report all hints left on the list? This needs I think a redesign. The previous design from years ago was quite intuitive.


Hello, ColinJohnstonov.

You make a valid point about the design. It seems that the process for removing & reporting word meanings from one’s list needs to be reevaluated. Although clicking the “X” may report and remove the meaning, it is not clear. It would be beneficial if LingQ could clarify this process, perhaps through popup tips or other means at a minimum.

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue!

It is used to remove definitions from the Community Defintions. Probably only do it to really wrong definitions.

The “x “button deletes the selected meaning by setting the meaning’s popularity to zero so other users won’t see it in future.

Ok, interesting to know. I think my problem here maybe boils down to the X symbol being a bit confusing. It is not completely obvious to the user that clicking X means that the hint has been reported. If I remember back in the old days, the symbol was a flag, which I think is more descriptive.

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To improve this process, I suggest changing the X icon to a :ballot_box_with_check: that changes to a green :white_check_mark: after it’s clicked to indicate successful reporting/removal.

Users can tap “Report,” select the checkbox(es) to report, and it’s confirmed with a green checkmark.

It’s important to note that, as per @zoran’s response, this process does not actually report word meanings. It simply resets the word’s place on the list for everyone else. This explains why some definitions may appear strange and less useful, as they have been moved to the top of the list based on personal preference.

That’s seems rather drastic. So, the most popular hint can disappear? And anyone can do that? Seems like it would be better to just have it decrement, or only certain users have the power. You could have a word that has several meanings and because beginner 1 sees a different meaning is allowed to “reset” perhaps the most widely used meaning for the word?


Oh, good topic!
So, when I write a new definition and click “Enter” and after the fact I realize I wrote in the wrong language, I can remove this new (wrong) definition by clicking on this “x”?
@all users: Would you report/ eliminate definitions that way when you see spelling mistakes (and there are more of the same definition with the right spelling)? It would not impact the vocabulary lists of people who already chose that definition, right?