Lifetime Account

I just bought 2 languages worth of lifetime accounts. I can only see one language showing in the account type. Is it only supposed to show one language? I can only see Russian lifetime but not Spanish. Additionally, may I get a refund for the premium membership? I purchased it on Jan 17 of this year. I realized I really like it so I decided to switch to lifetime for all my languages. May I get a refund because of the small amount of time between the purchases or no? I understand either way. Also, I want to confirm something. I paid for these with a certain debit card and I thought the payment went through. However, I actually got charged on the payment method I was using for the premium, not the actual payment method I typed in. Was this because it was auto declined? I didn’t see an error message so I assumed it was fine.

Update: now there is no lifetime status at all. It simply reads 12 month premium. Does this mean I lost my lifetime somehow? My bank statement shows 2 200 dollar charges for the lifetimes. Please either refund the 2 lifetimes or fix the statuses please.

Both Russian and Spanish Lifetime are active on your account and you will have unlimited access to both languages for as long as you have LingQ account. No worries.
I refunded and canceled your regular Premium plan.


How much does lifetime cost and where can I find it?

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Thank you, Zoran! I just bought Korean lifetime. Can you verify that it is active on my account as well? I appreciate all your help.

It costs $199 per language. You get lifetime access for that specific language you buy not all of them. The way I did it: On LingQ web, make sure you have the language you want to buy selected (so have the homepage for that language open/select language from the dropdown). Then, go to this link: LingQ iOS App - Learn English, French, Spanish and more

Hi Zoran, I just purchased Premium membership last night, but I would love to be able to sign up for lifetime membership. Can you help me out too, please? Do I need to purchase the lifetime membership first?

@emiliaaraoz Yup, all good! :slight_smile:

@bretke Premium and Lifetime are two different subscription levels, so you can have both active. Premium gives access to all available study languages for a period you bought it, while Lifetime gives unlimited access in a language you get it for, as long as you have LingQ account.
So, if you already do have Premium, you can still get Lifetime too, no problem with that.

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Hi Zoran, thank you for the reply. My focus is learning 1 language, so i can speak to my bilingual kids. I only need to sign up for one language, not all :slight_smile:

Is it possible to switch from premium to lifetime membership, please?

is there a premium plus version of this “lifetime option”? i’m mostly studying japanese but having the extra features like audio from imported lessons etc is useful …. currently paying monthly

@bretke Please reach me on support(at) and we will do the switch, no problem at all. :slight_smile:

@cjadams No Lifetime Plus plan at the moment, sorry. Best you can do is to get the Lifetime and then purchase points separately.

@cjadams Lifetime, Premium, and Premium Plus have all the same features. Premium Plus = Premium + 3000 LingQ Points. Lifetime is like Premium, but for one language for life. You can, of course, buy multiple Lifetimes for different languages.



I was looking at the comparison I guess there are some other features that are in the premium plus chart there are some options like audio for imported lessons for example is only premium plus so unless that’s changed their not exactly the same feature wise

Do you mean this chart?

If so, it is a comparison between Free and Premium. As you can see, Premium has “Auto generated audio for imported lessons” and all the other features. Lifetime has them too. I can confirm this from my own experience: I had Premium, and now I have Lifetime - I haven’t noticed any missing features. The information about Premium Plus on the LingQ website is very brief:

"Everything from Premium
Plus 3000 LingQ Points Good For:

  • Live Tutoring
  • Writing Correction
  • Premium Lessons"
    While switching between Premium and Premium Plus on the site, the chart stays the same. Perhaps this misled you a bit, seeming to be a chart concerning Premium Plus exclusively. The right column of the chart is relevant to all the paid plans (Premium, Premium Plus, and Lifetime). I hope I have helped to clear it up. Good luck with learning Japanese! :slight_smile:

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LingQ: Please consider some add on to Lifetime to allow a tiny bit of study of other languages. 5 minutes a day or something. Or free until you reach 200 known words. I have two Lifetime accounts but am curious to dabble a tiny bit in other languages.


@zoran Hello, is there any chance I could do a one-time switch of one of my lifetime languages to another? I am not asking for a refund but rather switching one of the languages I bought lifetime to for another? I would like to change my lifetime Korean to lifetime Japanese if possible. I know more Japanese so it’ll be easier to use LingQ. If there is some policy against this, I understand. Please let me know if it can be done. This one would be one time thing and I certainly wouldn’t take advantage. Thank you for your help as always.

@emiliaaraoz No problem, I took care of it for you.


Thank you for asking, thank everyone for responding, and I hope this critical info gets added to the FAQs! Please!!!