Exchange Requests Notifications

I’m not receiving Exchange Requests Notifications for my mother language (Portuguese), only for English. I’ve checked my settings and I have both languages checked.
What might be the problem?

Hi Fernanda, sorry to hear about that! Would you tell us when it stopped?

I have checked the Exchange page for Portuguese. It seems that since May 12, it was only one request (last Monday).

I didn’t receive that one, I only noticed it by chance.
I received the one from May 12.

Oh, sorry about that. I am not sure why it happened. Would you check your spam box too, just in case? :slight_smile:

Hi Galina. No, there’s nothing in my spam box, I’m afraid.

OK, good to know. As you already checked your settings, please just keep an eye on it for some time. If the next notification doesn’t come, let us know. Sorry about that!