Accidentally Deleted LingQ Account / Refund Subscription or Transfer Subscription?


The option in the iOS app settings is not very clearly marked or explained. It’s worded as if you will just be deleting your language progress (what I understood to be essentially restarting the language as if you were starting the language from scratch).
But it actually deletes your whole LingQ profile entirely. It would be helpful to make the distinction clearer.

Anyway, I had just signed up for a subscription last week. I created a new account using the same email as the account that I accidentally deleted. Can I be refunded for the yearly subscription or have it transferred to my new account (whichever is easier)?

Thank you,

Sorry to hear that.
Please go to the “Upgrade Screen” → “Restore Previous Purchase". That will grab the receipt from apple and then re-send it to the server.

Let me know if that helps.

My purchase for the subscription was from the LingQ website directly, not through the iOS app store.

Ah, I see. I have just manually moved your Premium subscription to this new account. Happy learning!

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Thank you so much!