Vocabulary Lists

Is it possible to get vocabulary lists, like the one under the “vocabulary” tab, but for each individual lesson, so that we can dip into the learned words and LingQs for just that individual lessons? It’d be practical for glancing at prior to doing the review quiz and would save us from having to read through a lengthy lesson before taking the quiz.

I don’t know if it’s useful but in the vocabulary advanced search you can filter by lessons.

Anyway, if you keep reading and increase your inputs you will almost forget about the vocabulary and the quiz. Imho.

You could click “full text” then find a unique word counter app on the internet and have that remove the duplicates, then you would be left with a list of the unique vocab words. Then you could re-import that cut down list as a companion lesson. Not tried it but I’m sure it would work.

Yes, you can do that. Follow these steps.
Inside a lesson. 1. Click on yellow icon “Review LingQs” 2. Then click on yellow icon "All LingQs"3. Then click on “Print:” and with a right click you can save it as a pdf.

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You can actually do that on Lingq 5.0 You can review a page or a whole lesson

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True, I’ve just tried that and it’s really useful. You can also preview all words before reading a lesson and ignore some of them before starting. Very useful when you want to quickly scan for foreign words and eliminate them at the beginning. Awesome feature.

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