How LingQ count lingqs (related to the limit for free accounts)

Hello all,

I would like to better understand how the number of linqs is calculated.

I see on my profile page that I have reached the limit of 20 lingqs. But at the same time I see that I have 18 lines in my vocabulary. This includes some phrases with more than 1 word. If I count the words, I got 26 words.

I haven’t tried, so this is another question. If I delete/ignore the vocabulary I already learned. Will the number of lingqs decrease ?

Kind regards,


LingQs limit is a hard limit, and even if you remove some of LingQs you created previously, you won’t be able to create new LingQs instead. You do still have access to all the content in the Library but to create more LingQs you will need to upgrade your account.