App no longer works

My android app is no longer working the lessons dont load and the screen remains blank. I have deinstalled and reinstalled the application but the problem remains. I hope somebody has a solution.


Ha, same, its basically unusable.

Sorry about that. We will push an update soon. In the meantime, you can reach me on support(at) and I can provide you an APK file you can use until the new version is up on Google Play.

I thought it was just me! I thought I broke it somehow ) Good to know it is system wide and will get fixed.

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Yay, not just me! Some lessons and courses open but others don’t (blank screens or never ending “spinners”). It is essentially unusable at this point. It seemed to start around the same time 5.0 was released for the iPad so it might have something to do with API changes being made to support the new version. This is very frustrating since I use my phone (the android version) to do the majority of my listening.

Not to be impolite but I’m a software engineer and these type of service disruptions would not be acceptable where I work.


The whole 5.0 thing was really messy. I have seen that LIngq now has started putting out YouTube ads. Something I have never seen before so I assume it has been done for 5.0. It might be advisable to check that the product is actually working before starting an advertisement campaign. Not having an app for who knows how long is probably not the best way to introduce yourself to new users.