We could just keep meeting with her one on one?

A: She’s not gonna come.
B: Maybe we should take turns leading the prayer circle?
C: Or we could just keep meeting with her one on one?
A: But I thought the whole point of this was to organize.

Question: Is it okay to use “with” after “meet”? I thought we just put someone after meet, such as I’ll meet you at ten tomorrow morning.

Thank you!

it is not necessary but it is also not incorrect. (meaning a native English speaker will not notice it.) but the sentence could just be : “or we could just keep meeting her one on one”

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It’s worth pointing out that ‘meet with’ can’t be used when the meaning of meet is to meet someone for the first time. For example, you can’t say, ‘I met with her at a party one day and now she’s my wife.’

But as starstar said, you can use ‘meet with’ in the example given in the OP and others like it.

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