Do you do the review exercises? Or just keep reading + LingQing?

I’ve got 1000+ Lingqs that are “up for review” , and my brain keeps saying “don’t read / listen to anything else until you’ve cleared out all those vocabulary words,” but it also says, “come on – this stuff is interesting – keep reading and listening!!” I’ve pretty much given up on the concept of reviewing vocab, since some of it seems to be recurring…though in the back of my head I feel some sort of weird anxiety for not reviewing as much as I’ve been reading.

Anybody else experience this, or just me? haha do you keep up with the reviewing? or just read read read and pick up the words as you go?

Just curious!


I review once a week and then transport information that I am struggling with on flashcards or anki. I keep reading in the same content are until I run out of content. I read everything about cooking and then I am able to get through my lingq reviews with ease.

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Yeah, I just read read read. What I do review are spoken words and sentences to make sure I perceive and discern all the sounds and intonation.


Yup- keep reading. The most important words will keep popping up. The words I look up here are reinforced in a different context when watching television series and listening to radio plays. Therefore, I know that these words are really important. If you increase your input consumption through different mediums, the probability will also increase for coming across such words. Thus, I combine study at LingQ with some sort of media consumption that gives me a better value when it comes to reviewing words naturally.


After 2 years of reading Chinese on Lingq, I have acquired 93543 LingQs. Needless to say, I am not SRSing them. I am still “tagging” words, so I could potentially SRS them, but no! I have tried to SRS Lingqs in my first year, but it is a Sisyphean task. Trying to empty a well with a spoon…

However, in the past, I would read a text and then start with a new text. Recently I have started to appreciate the value of re-reading texts as a way of learning words.


I think about it sometimes, but no I don’t do that sort of review. When I’m reading, I un-LingQ words that I know, so that’s basically my review. I guess it’s kind of a more natural SRS system. Because I often un-LingQ words one day and then will re-LingQ the same word a week later. When I’m able to start reading novels outside of LingQ, I’m hoping that the amount of vocab / grammar I have issues with will be small enough for me to go back to more targeted study methods, like an SRS system.

I only found the per-lesson review useful at the very beginning stages of a new language, and only until the most basic words used to build sentences were learned. It was very useful for that. But after you know the prepositions and pronouns and some other common vocabulary, it doesn’t help that much. The common words that are important for you to learn appear for “review” in continued reading, and it doesn’t pay to spend time and effort to learn a word that you won’t see again.


I generally don’t bother with review unless I feel like. What would make me feel like it would be when the content was interesting and I just wanted to learn it “even better,” or if I kept seeing somethign over and over again that I didn’t quite “get” and thus wanted to review.


I hardly ever review anything, but if learning a language from scratch, I sometimes just re-read the same lessons or listen to them again. I mainly just review when I still want to put energy into learning, but need a bit of a change, when I´m tired of reading and listening.


I’m learning Italian from scratch so I reread my content several times and relisten to the audio if I have one. In the process I regrade yellow words or if I’ve learnt them I tick them off as known. I’m only reading content I’ve uploaded from the Slow News in Italian site, or written myself and had checked by a tutor or elsewhere, apart from one Olly Richards short story, or copied out of Kindle books. Lately I’ve been experimenting with making Goldlists from LingQ vocab to see if that helps me capture the most important phrases I’m meeting in reading on Lingq as I also worry about the vocab that’s building up here but I don’t like the review function on LingQ very much, I have to admit.

There’s loads of research on learning and repetition. It seems that you need time and repetition to integrate new material. You have to forget and re-learn stuff in order to truly master it.
But here’s an interesting experiment: take any book in your native language, open it up on page number 100 and look for any “difficult” word (things you probably wouldn’t know if you were learning this language). I came up with a word “młotkowy” - meaning a person that works with a hammer in a factory. Should you spend time to review such a word? Probably not, unless you read a book about hammers, but then they would crop up so many times that you would not need any special review to learn it.


I stopped reviewing my Lingqs following Ftornay’s advice, and I am extremely glad about the results. Things that I was supposed to be learning did not really stick, because I came across those words again in the text and I had to mark them as “unknown” , since I could not recall their meaning. Now I just read and read, and I make better use of my time I think. I “review” the words whenever I find them in context.

I am not against SRS, but I prefer to do that in Quizlet. And I do not do it that often anyway.

I just finished my two week review. I wrote down all of the words that I am 805 proficient at in my Goldlist notebook. I also added some phrases as well. I will continue to review these phrases and words every 10-14 days to ensure I truly understand the words and their spelling. It is a little extra work but my goal is to reach another 6,000 words for the month of June. Everyone needs to do what is best for them on their learning journey.

When we read we are vocalizing our words and then our writing becomes a written record of what we read or said. Some of the phrases and words I will use in my italki chats this week

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Goldlist is a good method for cementing vocabulary in your long-term memory. However, it lacks space for writing down any sentences in which such words are used. Having a lack of contextual clues in your notebook, how are you sure that you will be using them in the right context. I tried the Gold list method for a month but I stopped it altogether. I thought working with Anki will give me more flexibility in that regard. Pretty much both work in the same way but with the Goldlist method you do not have a problem with stacked up reviews if missing a day as reviewing words is done manually. Unlike Anki, it lacks features. Your thoughts, please.

I was and am always against the general rules of doing something, including language learning. I believe that everyone has to find the method that is the most useful and helpful for him or for her.
Maybe it is explained because I grew up and lived in the USSR where the communist ideology was obliged for everybody.
That’s why I think when learning words and regular exercising is OK for you, that’s fine. But if you would like only to read and to listen to, it’s also very good.


I have a goldlist phrase page and words. My intendent is to not memorize the words but to keep them fresh in my mind. Writing the words or phrases down helps me in my daily L2 writing with friends.

I do transfer some phrase over to Anki as I use both at the same time. I do move words around and juggle them all the time. They always find the right place at the right time. Hail was a Spanish word that I worked on for about a week until I decided it is really not part of my natural vocabulary. I might not ever speak the work but I recognize and understand the word when I see or hear it.

As far how do I know I am using the words or phrases in the right context. Before I even write down a word or phrase I have already encountered them at least 4 times.

I have like 5k up for review. Every so often I will review them, but like Steve I just put all the information on the front of the card and just blast through a bunch. I just expose myself to the words and meanings and don’t bother trying to memorize or play games. I just do flash cards.

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I don’t do review exercises per se. I will re-read shorter texts (less than 5-10 minutes of reading) from time to time. Also, for shorter texts, I might do a “review” by jumping to yellow words and reading them in context to see if I know them now…This saves some time, or if I’ve re-read a lesson several times already and just want to get a last “review” or two without reading the whole thing.

However…no SRS for me or the “review” within a lesson settings…I have them all turned off.

That isn’t to say it’s not a good idea to do, if you enjoy it, or want to do some review. However, imo, make it a small portion of your learning, if you do it at all.

You need to be comfortable with the notion that you will have many words you’ve come across that you don’t remember. The list will become very long. If you were to do SRS or other review on this whole list, you’ll soon find you have no time for the more useful activity of reading and listening. You also won’t have time for anything outside of language learning, so you just have to be comfortable that at some point you may learn these words. If they are common enough, you will learn them. On others you may not learn them to a degree you will be able to use them actively, but you will recognize and understand them in context.

There are going to be words that just don’t “click” and it’s going to take time to learn those, but don’t let them halt progress on learning other words that will stick much easier. You may just need to see those harder words in a different context to get it to “click”. Or you may need to see it many more times from different angles.


I’m trying out Goldlisintg - but not for single words - for short phrases so that I keep context. I Goldlist phrases from the story I am reading. That also helps build context and associations which are vital for coding in a word.

When I am new to the language, I review lessons here until I learn most of the words. But about 5 years back, I started reading new content all the time in Russian. The point when I started focusing on new content felt natural.