What is the difference between Haber and Tener?

What is the difference between Haber and Tener?

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I have found the Butterfly Spanish teacher channel on YouTube very helpful to cover the fundamentals. She has a video describing haber vs. tener HABER in Spanish: Everything you need to know (hay, había, he, ha, has, hubo, había, no hay de qué) - YouTube

Basically, haber is an auxillary verb (“ I have been learning Spanish for a while”) and tener is a regular verb (“I have a dog”). She explains it much better though :grinning:

Most simply tener is more akin to physically having something haber is only used as an auxiliary verb. It can only be used in conjunction with another verb. So it only describes an action you have completed

he visto - I have seen
he ido - I have been

tengo un coche nuevo - I have a new car