Marking Russian words as known

When creating LingQs, do I mark a word as “known” even if I know only one case (i.e., nominative) or one verb conjugation (i.e., first person singular)? Or, should I know all cases, conjugations, etc. before marking a word as known? Thanks!

Every declination or conjugation of a word is an individual LingQ. So if you know one form you can set this one to „known“.

If I see a new form of a known word, and I know what it means because I know the grammar, I mark it as known, of course. If for any reason I don’t know the meaning of a word I mark it as some level of unknown/learning. Since I pretty well know the grammar, that doesn’t happen for words formed from known roots with regular grammar. It certainly happens with irregular forms where the root is not immediately recognizable.

Thanks very much for your response!

Thanks very much for your response!

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My rating system is as follows:

1: New word or word I still don’t recognize, even in context
2:Can approximately guess the meaning in context and I can somehow recognize the word
3: It takes me a few seconds but I can recognize the word and translate it accurately
4: I learned the word and I don’t need to mentally pause to figure out what it means
Known: I know the word out of context, even after a month of learning it, and it is also part of my active vocabulary.

While my translation is always the nominative form of the infinitive form of a noun/adjective/verb (ex : выжива́ть / вы́жить = survive) meaning that I will copy and past the same translation on each instance of the word, I consider each declension of a word as an individual word.

Some conjugations are irregular and some declensions harder to memorize, so I prefer to use an independent raring for each version.

A good example are participles of simple verbs, which are usually harder to master and remember than their present or past conjugation forms.