Can you ever use さんです?

Can you ever use さんです?

In Japanese you always use さん when referring to others (except for yourself or your in-group). However when answering questions about others, is there ever a time you would add です after さん?

For example, from a third person perspective, when answering a question about a story read in a classroom where the main character is のりこ.

What is the name of the main character?
おもな とうじょうじんぶつ は だれですか。 (or however you would say this)

Which answer is correct?
のりこさん or can you say: のりこさんです (It is のりこさん)?

My wife (a native) says it is not usual to talk about fictional characters with - さん But for real life it is fine to use ~さんです。For example, 来てる人はだれ?のりこさんです。