Words in the "Mini Stories" for which the audio is not matching

I am working through the Greek Mini Stories and now and then I find words for which the audio (in the individual explanation of the word) does not match. I will post them here:

Mini story 3, word πρώτα, audio says something like “misistorimata”
Mini story 3, word βαριέμαι, audio says “pofilo”

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“misistorimata” ίσως είναι “μυθιστορήματα” και δεν έχει σχέση με την λέξη “πρώτα”
“pofilo” μοιάζει με “το οφείλω”= “τ΄οφείλω” και δεν έχει σχέση με τη λέξη “βαριέμαι”

Thanks for that, Athens, although since I am a beginner I have to read you using google translate, haha.

Yes, it baffles me why they pronouce those words. For “first” and “novel” I wonder about a possible connection, since in Spanish they would indeed be connected. Novel=novela, but “novel” without the “a” might indeed mean “first” in a not very common meaning; I wonder if in Greek it happens too. For the other one, no clue.

Hi meleto,

this has been discussed before:

It’s an interesting phenomenon, I don’t have a valid explanation. I once suspected that in those spots the text had been edited and the tts function would have stuck with the original word instead of the new one, but in your example and the ones I encountered so far there is no reason why a human translator would write down word b instead of word a, so after all I think this is not how it happens.
When I insert “πρώτα” or “βαριέμαι” in a completely different text, I get the same mistaken tts responses for them, so the error seems to come from the tts service itself, not the LingQ lesson.

The good news is that in the Greek mini stories you have the very good human reader so the tts anomaly can’t harm your progress as far as gathering words by reading/listening is concerned.

Btw I can confirm what someone in the thread I linked said: If you highlight the complete phrase, you get tts for the correct word!