Why is there a ge- before this word

Why is there a ge- before this word

Ich habe auch viel geniest. - That’s present perfect. Many verbs require the prefix ge- to form the participle 2.

As RB79 pointed out it’s the present perfect…this is a way of expressing things that have happened and use a “helper” verb…haben or sein. In the example “Ich habe auch viel geniest” you are saying “I have also sneezed”.

THe verb is here in the Perfect (das Perfekt - auf Deutsch). We use the perfect in German when we sperak about the actions in the past.
Here are some more examples with the German perfect:
Ich habe gestern meinen Frend besucht.
Was hast du vorgestern gemacht?
Hast du ihn heute schon gesehen?
You can read my lesson about the German Perfect if you would like to know more:
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