Is it common that a sales clerk calls a customer "sweetheart"?

I was looking for a CD at a big CD store in New York City. I asked a sales clerk where the CD was. He was very kind and cheerful. He told me the whereabouts and used the word “sweetheart” instead of “sir” to me. I felt a bit weird to be called “sweetheart” from the
same gender. But is it a common thing in the States?

He was probably just a really friendly guy. He might have found you attractive. You should take it as a compliment.

It is common in certain neighborhoods of places like NYC and San Francisco.

Remind me not to go to certain neighbourhoods - I already get ratty when someone calls me ‘dear’ in a shop and that irrespective of gender.

I think he wanted him some Japanese company :wink:

I would say it is pretty unusual to be called “sweetheart” by a person of the same gender. It’s possible that the guy was just being friendly - albeit in a weird way.

Or…well…maybe he was one of MADARA’s friends…I guess…? :-()

Well, when I came to Manchester (In the UK), it could happen that the busdriver called you ‘Love’. Just the local dialect…

You were lucky, you could have been called ‘petal’ or ‘duck’.

I wouldn’t say this is common but it isn’t strange to be called things like “sweetheart” by a sales clerk of the opposite gender. Although I can’t say I’ve ever been called that by a sales clerk of the same gender. That said, anytime I’ve ever heard a sales clerk use that term, they don’t mean anything by it.

@kenosaka - Well, you do look handsome:) That sales clerk must have been gay, because no one ordinarily calls a bloke ‘sweetheart’.

I do get called ‘sweetheart’, ‘darlin’ and ‘luv’, by shop assistants, which is annoying.

Thank you guys for your comments. I really appreciate it. Now I understood that calling a customer “sweetheart” is not very common.

Actually, I was with my friend then. She was a bit far from me when I asked him about that. When I came back to her after finishing the conversation with him, she was laughing and said to me, “he likes you!”. I thought she was wrong and just she teased me. But judging from you guys’ comments, there was a possibility that she was right. lol


It is very strange and uncommon for a man to call another man “sweetheart”; I’ve honestly never heard it being done in my life. But I do occasionally hear a guy or girl cashier say it to a customer. (opposite sex)

If the male cashier liked guys, then I guess it would be common for him.

You should have said that you’re straight. Just kiddin…xD

kenosaka, In NYC and that part of the northeast US it used to be not uncommon for some men to call just about anyone “sweetheart” if they felt like it, and not mean anything “sexual” by it. There may still be people who speak that way. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Hi, thanks, Emie. This is Ken. What a relief!

Actually, I also felt so. He was kind and spoke wearing a huge smile. He spoke like singing like a Broadway actor. I felt there’s no other meaning than friendliness.

So I understood that this is not so common but it could happen. So I didn’t have to worry about it. However, it seems like I, non native, should not use this term for avoiding misunderstanding.

You’re welcome, kenosaka.

However, it seems like I, non native, should not use this term for avoiding misunderstanding.

Right. As you can see by all the different reactions people had here, probably you would be misunderstood.

Enjoy your NYC visit!