What is the function of "差” in this sentence? When I look up the meaning of "一 刻 八 点 去" this seems to have the same meaning? Can anyone explain?

What is the function of "差” in this sentence? When I look up the meaning of “一 刻 八 点 去” this seems to have the same meaning? Can anyone explain?

It means “minus”.
Usually it is said " 八 点 差 一 刻 " . So it is eight minus a quarter or 7:45.

Hi Arnold

Easiest example to remember … 差不多 - more or less,
see also basic dictionary entries …
差 chā difference; discrepancy; to differ; error; to err; to make a mistake
差 chà to differ from; to fall short of; lacking; wrong; inferior; Taiwan pr. [cha1]
差 chāi to send; to commission; messenger; mission
You may have this extension, but if not I would recommend adding as chrome extension … just toggle on/off, and simply hover over character to show dictionary entries …
Zhongwen: Chinese-English Dictionary

Best regards, Frank

Thanks Frank for your extensive reply. This is really helpful. I also installed the extension, works great!

Best regards,
