Chinese Dictionary w/ Handwriting Examples

Is anyone aware of any Chinese (ideally simplified) dictionaries (either English-to-Chinese or Chinese-to-Chinese) where you type / lookup a character and then the results have one or more examples of that character in native handwriting?

I use to think if I just learned to type and recognize characters, that would be good enough. I’m finding that I personally learn rote memorization items (characters) better through writing repetition (oddly, seems like Chinese children figured that out a long time ago)… so handwriting examples would be great. Right now, my handwriting looks like someone mimicking a computer screen… which is exactly what I am doing.

Secondly, I have found it terribly difficult to move from reading a computer screen to reading handwritten content. That might take just be getting to a higher level and then powering through handwritten content at that point - but I think this kind of a dictionary couldn’t hurt.

Thank you in advanced!