French: fun videos with subtitles about Christmas Holidays

Joyeux Noël à tous!

If you’re learning French and you’d like to know what French people do for Christmas and New year’s eve, this is the playlist with all my videos about Christmas in France. Learn French in context, discover idioms, slang, customs, cultural references, recipies.

You’ll also find my videos and podcasts to help you learn French in the Lingq library checking my profile here : Login - LingQ

Merry Christmas to all of you!


I’ve imported new videos about Christmas holidays in France. I hope you’ll enjoy them. You’ll find my videos about French culture & language in this course: Login - LingQ

Latest video imported:

  • Faire une couronne de Noël, chants de Noël | Français pratique & traditions françaises
    Login - LingQ
  • Fête du solstice d’hiver, reportage & interview | Découvre la France & ses habitants
    Login - LingQ
  • Les fêtes de fin d’année en France, reportage: culture, argot, expressions idiomatiques, références culturelles, gastronomie | Découvre la France & sa culture
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