Trying to understand "Known words" vs "invisible known words"

Hey, I’m a complete beginner at Greek in LingQ, and the User Experience for “known words” has been very confusing.

I’d really appreciate some help understanding “invisible known words” vs “filtered known words”
(which is a confusing distinction I figured out, but they are both called “known words” in LingQ)

I’d like to understand the logic behind known words in LingQ so that I can adapt to it.

Accidentally marking known words

Like many others I’ve accidently marked known words. I no longer mark them by accident, but I realized there are 2 types of “known words”:

1st Type: Filtered Known words (these ones go towards the vocabulary list)

These words can be found at Vocabulary > Filter > “Known words”. They make total sense and they contribute to the number next to the language flag

2nd Type: Invisible Known words

These type has been extremely confusing and frustrating as a beginner to a new language. These are known words that cannot be found at: Vocabulary > Filter > “Known words”

however they still add to the “known words” count next to the language flag.

As a complete beginner in Greek, I want to have my known words list at 0

At first, I accidently had this setting turned on: “Paging moves to known”

I went back to dozens of articles to manually undo this known words. I had 60 accidently marked “known words”, and I managed to undo most of them, but not all

Known words (Shown Next To Language Flag)

I still have 19 accidently marked known words that I can’t find. And there’s no way to filter them, other than manually opening every article and manually skimming for them

I’ve seen the suggestion in the forum to restart the language by deleting everything at: Login - LingQ

However, I have hundreds of words in yellow (at levels 1,2,3,4) so this would delete my whole progress

How to approach known words in the future

I love lingQ and I’d like to keep using it but these idea of " Invisible Known words" is very confusing, specially if they were marked by accident.

I’ll have to move on from trying to bring that number back to 0. I’ve spent hours trying to do it manually so I’ll give up.

Understanding the purpose of “Invisible Known words”

Moving forward, I just want to understand what’s the point of “Invisible Known words” and why they don’t appear in: Vocabulary > Filter > “Known words”

Perhaps the number of known words (next to the language flag) doesn’t matter.
As a beginner with limited amount of real words I know, I’d like to have full control of that number, and find all my words at Vocabulary > Filter > “Known words”.

But perhaps my approach is wrong and it doesn’t matter at all, I’m happy to change my approach, I just wish to understanding this confusing decision of LingQ’s interface


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Please note that only your saved words (LingQs) will appear on the Vocabulary list. Those are yellow words you saved in a lesson.
Once these words reach status 4, they are considered Known and will be counted in your Known words total count.

However, words that you mark as Known directly in a lesson (white words), aren’t listed on the Vocabulary page but will be included in Known words counter. List of all Known words isn’t available.

Thanks for the quick reply. I’m still a bit confused though, can you help me understand the following:

If that’s the case, what is the “know words” filter filtering?

The filter found at:
Vocabulary > Filter > “Known words”.


That will filter out checkmarked words from the Vocabulary list.

Keep in mind that a word becomes known when it moves from status 3 to status 4. The green check only means it will no longer be added to your Daily LingQs.

Thanks Zoran,

but in that case what’s, the difference between the filter for “known words” and the filter for “4 learned”?

From what you said seems like there’s no difference. Is there a difference?


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As I have mentioned above, words with status 4 and checkmarked words are both considered Known, but if you checkmark a word, it will no longer be included in the review.
So, you can filter out only words with status 4, which you still want to review and not to have checkmarked words among them, that’s why the checkmark option is there.

Appreciate your time to reply Zoran. I still find it quite confusing. I wish LingQ had a simpler logic, but I’ll try to get use to it if I can, thanks

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