Recommending (and reporting error in) a Korean course

This post is about a Korean course titled: “작가 김영하의 ‘책 읽는 시간’ 팟캐스트”. Translated crudely into English, that would be: “Kim Young-ha’s Book-Reading Time Podcast”.

Here is the link: Login - LingQ

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First, I want to strongly recommend this course to Korean learners (probably from “intermediate” level onwards). It’s a podcast created by a Korean novelist, who reads selections from different books (fiction, philosophy, poetry…), and also shares a broad range of thoughts related to each book. It provides exposure to a variety of writing styles during the readings, as well as to more conversational speech during his ramblings.

Judging by the number of “likes” this course has received, it is only mildly popular. I hope this post helps more people discover it. I’d even recommend adding it to the Korean guided courses. The only reason I found it is because Steve, in the videos he made during a 90-day Korean challenge, talked about hearing this podcast, enjoying Kim Young-ha’s voice, and deciding to hire someone to create the transcript of all 27 hours of audio.

Second, I want to report an error with Episode 8 Part 3 of this course (the only significant error I’ve found so far). The text of this lesson is apparently truncated. Specifically, the first 3:47 of the audio has no text. From 3:47 on, the text matches the audio. Since LingQ uploaded this course, I’m hoping that the original transcript for the first 3:47 of this lesson can be found, and added to the lesson. Or, if not, perhaps the text could be edited to note the omission, so future learners know what to expect.

Link to this lesson: 작가 김영하의 ‘책 읽는 시간’ 팟캐스트 (Reading Time podcast), 냉정해지는 것도 온...

Thanks, and I hope some Korean learners find this course to be as enjoyable as I have.

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