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Video on Japanese Pitch Accent / 高低アクセントについてのビデオ


Video on Japanese Pitch Accent / 高低アクセントについてのビデオ
As a Japanese native speaker, I’d also like to post a comment. My overall comment on this issue is mostly the same as the other native speakers.. We usually do not pay attention to “pitch accent” when we speak or listen to others. However, when I took the Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (a long time ago!), questions relating to “pitch accent” were included in the test. After listening to a recorded voice, we had to choose the correct pitch pattern from three to four options. It became easy after a few minutes practice, but at first it was very difficult for me. > I wonder if I can somehow train myself to be more aware of pitch-accent. I guess this matter is similar to whether we, Japanese, can recognize the difference between “r” and “l” sounds. It may be difficult, but nothing is impossible! Good luck to you! (^_-)-☆

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