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Steve's Corner – Learning tips June 19, 2013

Steve, co-founder of LingQ, operates a blog and YouTube channel where he shares useful language learning tips for free. Take a look below at his recent posts and videos over the past week.


The Linguist on Language Blog

This comes up all the time. In my view, if we feel that we are fluent, we are fluent. If we are comfortable communicating on most subjects. If we understand most of what is said, and can, with errors and the occasional awkwardness, get our meaning across, we are fluent…

When we are put into real learning situations we have a big opportunity to improve. My recent visit to Romania was just such a real life language situation. I was forced to use the language for real communication…


LingoSteve’s Language Corner

Romania, a short but lovely visit

For more posts and videos, be sure to visit The Linguist on Language Blog and LingoSteve’s Language Corner, and keep an eye out for a new post next week right here on the LingQCentral Blog!

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