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Months in Italian: How to Learn them Quickly

If you are learning Italian, without a doubt you know that Italians have a famous reputation around the world for being over the top with their hand gestures whenever they speak.
It is probably no surprise to hear then that Italians also have a fun way of teaching their children the months of the year. Some of these sayings are similar to proverbs found in the English language like, “April showers bring May flowers,”.
In English and other languages, the monthly proverbs are not tied to one another. However, in Italian, they are, which makes it easier for children to remember them because they can be turned into songs or poems.
First let’s learn the months in Italian…

How to say the months in Italian

January – gennaio
February – febbraio
March – marzo
April – aprile
May – maggio
June – giugno
July – luglio
August – agosto
September – settembre
October – ottobre
November – novembre
December – dicembre
It is quite important to note that the months of the year are not capitalized when written in Italian.
This is quite different to the English language. As a matter of fact, many words in Italian do not get capitalized. For example, the months of the year, days of the week, proper adjectives, and much more.
Lessons on months in Italian in the LingQ Italian library will help you nail these features of Italian. Just read through and click on any words and phrases you don’t know to add them to your vocabulary list. That list can then be studied with the LingQ vocabulary activities and you will see the words and phrases highlighted in future texts.
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Proverbs about months in Italian

“Chiudi quell’uscio dice gennaio”

It literally translates to, “Close that door says January”

“Anch’io resto in casa aggiunge febbraio”

It literally translates to, “I will also remain at home adds February”

“Marzo apre gli occhi e inventa i colori”

It literally translates to, “March opens his eyes and invents the colors”

“Aprile punteggia ogni prato di fiori”

It literally translates to, “April fills all the fields of flowers”

“Maggio raccoglie rose a non finire”

It literally translates to, “May collects roses without a stop”

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“Giugno con luglio si apprestan a partire, per correre al mare e cercare un bel posto”

It literally translates to, June and July get ready to leave to the beach and search a nice place ”

“Che possa piacere anche al mese d’agosto”

It literally translates to, “that the month of August will also like”

“Settembre pilucca uva bianca e uva nera”

It literally translates to, ”September eats white and black grapes”

“Ottobre fa il vino e lo mette nel tino”

It literally translates to, “October makes wine and puts it in the barrels”

“Raccoglie la legna il vecchio novembre”

It literally translates to, ”The old man November collects the wood”

“E verso il Presepe cammina dicembre”

It literally translates to, “And December walks towards the nativity scene.”

One of the hardest parts about learning Italian is the challenging grammar. The spelling of the Italian months is similar in English and Spanish. As a native speaker in both languages, I often found myself writing or saying the months in Italian incorrectly. But with lots of practice and having good resources like LingQ handy whenever you are in doubt, you will master the months in Italian in no time!

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Learn Italian Faster Using LingQ

Immersing yourself in Italian doesn’t require you to travel abroad or sign up for an expensive language program.
However, it can be a bit tiresome to find interesting content, go back and forth between sites, use different dictionaries to look up words, and so on.
That’s why there’s LingQ. A language app that helps you discover and learn from content you love.
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You can import videos, podcasts, and much more and turn them into interactive lessons.
Keep all your favourite Italian content stored in one place, easily look up new words, save vocabulary, and review. Check out our guide to importing content into LingQ for more information.
LingQ is available for desktop as well as Android and iOS. Gain access to thousands of hours of audio and transcripts and begin your journey to fluency today.

Enjoyed this post? Check out polyglot and LingQ cofounder Steve Kaufmann’s YouTube video on how he learned Italian!


Isabella Paz is a Colombian American who quit her corporate job to live her dream life in Florence, Italy. She is an experienced writer, translator, and e-commerce representative who has a passion for foreign languages.