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5 Chinese Poems to Help Improve Your Reading Skills

Chinese poems are a great for improving your Chinese language skills. Chinese poetry is melodic and does a fantastic job emphasizing the tones. So if you need help with your pronunciation or flow, poetry is the perfect way to assist you in these language learning goals (just remember, read out loud!). And luckily for you, Chinese has an outstanding collection of poetry ranging from the traditional to the modern age. Here are 5 Chinese poems designed to boost your Chinese language skills whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner.

Chinese poems

Spring Dawn

Meng Haoran
Spring Dawn is a poem about sleeping in the spring. As the sun rises in the Springtime, Haoran is unmoved by its brilliant rays due to his peaceful slumber. And as night begins to fall so do the blossoming flowers. Spring Dawn is an atmospheric poem, with lots of nature-related vocabulary.





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Lù Chài

Wáng Wéi
Wáng Wéi  who was a devote Buddhism practitioner in the 7th century. Wáng Wéi lived in the countryside, but he wasn’t too far from civilization as to be isolated. Lu Chai is a Chinese poem about the thin line between solitude, nature, and humanity. Lu Chai will introduce you to new sentence structures to help you with expressing comparisons in Chinese.

空 山 不 見 人

但 聞 人 語 響

返 景 入 深 林

復 照 青 苔 上

Invitation To Wine

Li Bai
If you’re ever feeling down, Invitation To Wine is a beautiful poem that screams happiness. It reminds you of the briefness of life, and how you should enjoy it while you still have time. You’ll genuinely enjoy the barrels of wine, celebration, and themes of friendship in this classic Chinese poem.

李白-將進酒 君不見黃河之水天上來,












五花馬,千金裘, 呼兒將出換美酒,與爾同銷萬古愁。


Thinking on a Quiet Night

Li Bai
Reminisce on quiet nights with the poem “Thinking on a Quiet Night.” In this Chinese poem, you’ll learn a great deal about prepositions and vibrant adjectives. Whether you’re feeling homesick or want to listen to a Chinese poem with lots of cool vibes, you’ll love “Thinking on A Quiet Night.”





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Ascending Stork Tower

Wang Zhihuan
This Chinese poem is an ideal piece of motivational literature. It talks about climbing to higher heights to see a broader perspective, expanding your knowledge and wisdom in the process. You’ll be surprised just how much this simple, yet powerful poem can keep your spirits high when learning Chinese.





Import Chinese Poems into LingQ

If you’re interested in using poetry to study Chinese, then give LingQ a try. 

Simply import your favorite Chinese poems into LingQ to create interactive lessons that allow you to look up new characters and listen to how they are pronounced.

Check out LingQ to discover how to learn Chinese from content you love!

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Also, here’s a great resource that contains the audio of various Chinese poetry, which you can also import into LingQ. For more information about importing content into LingQ, check out this post.

Good luck with your studying!

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