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Steve's Corner – How the brain learns languages, About learning French

Steve, co-founder of LingQ, operates a blog and YouTube channel where he shares useful language learning tips for free. Take a look below at his recent posts and videos over the past week.

The Linguist on Language Blog

I think that children do. There is ample evidence of this, for example amongst immigrants to Canada. Rare is theblog.thelinguist.com/how-the-brain-learns-languages family where the children don’t speak English, or French, much better than their parents. We have had a lively exchange on this at our forum at LingQ, with many commenters presenting the opposite view…

Here is a fascinating article about how the brain learns languages written by François Grosjean, Emeritus Professor of psycholinguistics, Neuchâtel University, Switzerland. The article discusses…


LingoSteve’s Language Corner

Les enfants, apprennent ils mieux les langues que les adultes?

About learning French

Language learning progress


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