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Afin de créer un événement de discussion, suivez les consignes suivantes:

1. Click on ‘events’ ( Events )
2. Click on ‘create an event’
3. Choose the duration. It can be 15 minutes. at 1 o’clock. By default, it is 30 minutes.
4. Select the guardian and the date. You can also, if you wish, leave the default choice that show you the availability of all tutors the following week.
5. Click on the blue box, which has the time that suits you best.
If you have chosen a discussion of more than 15 minutes. please be sure to annotate the box next to ‘one-on-one’, if you want to speak alone with the tutor for more than 15 minutes.
If you want other members to be able to sign up for the event, do not rate this box.
6. Enter the subject and description of the discussion and click on ‘ Create’
* You must create an event 24 hours before the scheduled date, or the system will not allow you to create it.

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