New Year's challenge 1000 hours of listening

I am going to start recording my hours of listening. If I listen 8.5 hours a week, or a little more than one hour a day, I will reach this goal of 1000 hours by the end of the new year.

As long as I read most of the corresponding texts, and save words and phrases, this will enable me to reach all my language goals.

I will divide this among Russian, Korean and hopefully Czech.

Anyone else willing to take on the 1000 hours of listening challenge!

Sorry I am in a hurry to get onto the mountain and go skiing. Let me redo the math. I will aim for 500 hours of listening by the end of the year…but nothing prevents others from going for 1000, Now onto the slopes where it is clear and -17 degrees celsius. brrrr.

I’m up for the challenge. I just added the final five days of 2010 to my spreadsheet - listening hours (all languages): 1166.5.

I’m in for Chinese. Starting from today. I’ll aim for 1000h of listening by the end of 2011 (that is an average of 3h per day).

I’m in for French. 1000/365=2.739 with a lot of numbers after the 9. I hope my calculator is correct! Does the time before midnight on December 31 count or do I have to wait until tomorrow to start counting?

Bonne année!

Right, 3 hours a day for the next year… I’m in.

Post abuse on my wall if you see I’m not sticking to it.

I listened to 5 hours today, 4 hours and 30 minutes of Russian during my down hill and cross country skiing. A spectacular day!! I try to LingQ the text of these Echo Moskvi interviews, using QuickLingQs and then I read them again on iPad if I get the time.

And 30 minutes of Korean while cleaning up the kitchen.

I’m in!

Can I ask Steve, or anyone for that matter, where to find the transcripts of the Echo Moskvi broadcasts?

Thanks in advance.

you can find it here –
Unfortunately not all programmes have both text and audio.

Hey, thanks a lot Cakypa, I’ll only need a few.

I’ve been listening to some of your grammar content for Russian, it’s great. You are very helpful today : )

Rasana’s content is great!I would mix in hers with some interviews on current affairs almost of all of which have transcripts. They are to be found here

I accept your challenge! I’m up for Russian. I’ve got War and Peace as an audiobook, that should keep me going through January :wink:

I love the idea, Steve! Count me in. I have zillions of downloaded German podcasts that are still waiting to be listened to, so I guess that would already take me some 200-300 hours of extensive listening. And I’m going to download more of them and listen to all of them. Wish me luck :wink:

I wish I could lead a second life to listen to more English as well, as I only read in it…

I’m in, I just hope I can get enough work done on LingQ to match the listening hours that I plan to put in.

Mostly French, German and Spanish.

The problem is that I am very poor at counting time, I sometimes forget counting time,especially when I concentrate on listening to, shadowing and repeating many contents, I said to myself, “oh !!! how long have I been listening to it?” So I don’t really like to count time. Maybe I forgot adding much time on Ling snapshot.

But this year I will try not to forget counting time from today even if I listen to contents for a short time.

I just enter the time I started listening (as per my MP3 player) into a message on my phone, which I then save as a draft. Then I just update it when I finish listening. If I’m listening to conversations that are in a folder on my MP3 player, I can usually add up them up later, but I keep note of which folder I have listened to. When I am at a computer, I update the times as per my phone, and then just clear the draft message and start again.

I think 1000 hours of listening per year is real for most people. For me the most comfortable amount of listening is 2-3 hours a day, split into two sessions: one long (2 hours or so) and one short (the remainder, approximately 1 hour). It seems to me that people who live in quiet cities and don’t struggle much to get to work can easily cope with this schedule. Unfortunately, my situation does not allow me to collect 1000 hours of listening in a year because I commute to work and back by noisy and overcrowded subway trains, where I cannot listen. I only have 1 hour of listening on weekdays and my usual 3 hours on weekends.

I hope that Moscow authorities will really work to increase the percent of more quiet trains in our subway in 2011-2012, as they promise.

Like Steve, I’m in for only 500 hours in 2011. I managed about 300 hours listening last year. I don’t think 1 000 in a year is realistic for me or for many other people. Not unless I force all my family to watch only Russian TV :wink: