Hey, i dont quite understand how to use the hint

hey, i dont quite understand how to use the hint for the blue words and what it means

If you don’t know a blue word, the suggested hints give you the meaning (or a possible meaning). If you like one of the hints, you can click it and that hint will become the hint for this word/phrase. If there is no hint, or you are not satisfied with any of the suggested hints, you can make your own hint by clicking the pencil next to the hints. Once you have selected a hint or made your own, the word is now a LingQ and you can study it using flashcards or other methods. The next time you see this word in a text, it will be highlighted in yellow instead of blue to indicate that it’s a LingQ and that you have come across it before but don’t ‘know’ it yet.


It’s a very good explanation.