
What does the word ‘caulinaire’ mean ? It is in a scientific article about wood, doesn’t come up in google translate or Linguee, nor my paper dictionary. could it be a misspelling ?

I don’t know if it make sense in your article but here “caulinaire” means that the three have large branche : " Il faut utiliser des branches d’un diamètre de 5 à 7 cm maximum en effet 75% des nutriments de l’arbre se situent dans les petites branches, brindilles et parties en croissance.
Au-delà de 7 cm on parle de bois « caulinaire » plus intéressant pour le chauffage que pour la couverture des sols. "

‘Caulinaire’ in French is a botanical term which basically means ‘to resemble a rod’. Something which belongs to the stem, or arising immediately from the stem of a plant.

We have the word “cauline” in English (of or on stem). I love it when the Latin root exposes the stem of our respective languages (excuse the awful pun).

Du latin caulis (« tige »)

I should have looked it up in a botanical dictionary I have !

merci beaucoup ! in the article, it would refer to branches larger than 7 cm in diameter…