What is the difference between "faire," (to make,) and "rendre,"

What is the difference between “faire,” (to make,) and “rendre,” (to make)?

Well, rendre has few meanings:

  • rendre de l’argent (to give back)
  • (to go to) as in this text, “Vous pouvez vous rendre sur la page…”
  • Se rendre : (to surrender)
  • Rendre has not the same sense of “faire”, “faire” has a meaning of to make smth, to build smth in a physically way.

Rendre signify (to produce)

“Le son est trop fort, il va vous rendre sourd” The consequence of a too loud sound, is that you’ll become deaf.
The sound “produce” a effect, a consequence: deafness

"Avec tes questions, tu vas nous rendre fou ! "


as my 1st explication sound confuse, I’d add that : “rendre” = to make it become / to produce / to transform
“L’amour vous rend désirable Honey!” :slight_smile:

You can’t simply replace “rendre” by “faire”, you have to replace by “faire devenir”
“Tu vas nous [rendre] fou!” = “Tu vas nous [faire devenir] fou!” although “rendre” is much more usual, “faire devenir” is a little weird

“To make” , in the sense of “to build from scratch” = “Faire”: faire la vaisselle, faire son devoir, faire un enfant, etc


Avec mes questions, je ne vais pas nous rendre fou! Merci! Je vous comprend