The negation in dutch

Hello, I’m an beginner in dutch and I have some doubts about how to negate a sentence.
I know that when there’s the article “een” in the sentence, you just have to change it into a “geen”. It’s weird to get used with, but it’s possible. So ok up to here. My problem is the “niet”:
When is it used? Where to put it in a sentence?

Which of these sentences are correct: “De lerares is niet boos.” or "De lerares is boos niet?

Thank you all

Hi Miguel. It depends where you want the opposite. In principle ‘niet’ (=not in English) comes just before the word you want to negate:

De lerares is boos → De lerares is niet boos. (negate adjective boos)

For verbs it depends on the form of the sentence, usually it comes after the first verb:
Ik wil slapen. → Ik wil niet slapen.

Ik ga naar school. → Ik ga niet naar school.

Ik ben naar school geweest → Ik ben niet naar school geweest.

If there is a question, it comes after the subject:

Ben je naar school geweest? → Ben je niet naar school geweest?

Wil je slapen? → Wil je niet slapen?

But I realise there are more possibilities:

Heb je dat gedaan? → Heb je dat niet gedaan?

So I now realised this is almost impossible to explain, and I consulted some websites:

Well, my conclusion is that you just have to read and listen a lot and will get a feeling, because if I try to understand the explanations, I would have a lot of trouble applying them in real life!

Good luck,




I am also a Dutch beginner.
I found a helpful video on Youtube about “geen” and “niet”.
I don’t think the explanations are complete but they certainly are very clear.

Maybe it can be useful to you as well.

Good luck with your studies.

Thank you @silviad. I think I understand now. Now for me is enough to know that “niet” comes before adjectives… later on I try to worry about the others :wink:
I have another question…
How do you say “there’s” or “there are” in dutch?
Like, how would you translate the sentence “There are only two people in the bank.” or “There’s a site about Nederlands”?

And @ harpagon, thank you. I found the video to have a clear explaination. Her youtube channel is really good. ;D

Thank you all again,

There are only two people in the bank. = Er zijn maar twee mensen in de bank.

There is a site about Dutch. = Er is een website over het Nederlands.

There are many people interested in the Dutch language. = Er zijn veel mensen geïnteresseerd in de Nederlandse taal.

There is a lot to do at work. = Er is veel te doen op het werk.

I hope that these examples are helpful. = Ik hoop dat deze voorbeelden nuttig zijn.


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Thank you, Fasulye!
Now I undertand…
Er is =There is
Er zijn =There are
Following the same pattern,
Er was =There was
Er waren = There were
Thank you again ;D

Ja, dat heb je nu goed begrepen, Miguel!

Yes, you have well understood that now, Miguel!
