Difference between "ładna" and "piękna"

I had always thought that “ładna” and “piękna” had the same meanings, but from the following sentence taken from “Kim ona jest?”, I guess that the former is lighter than the latter:

  • Czy ona jest ładna?
  • Tak, rzeczywiście jest bardzo ładna. Mogę nawet powiedzieć, że jest piękna.

Can anyone explain the difference? When I created the respective LingQs, I wrote the same translations for both…

piękna = pěkná
ładna = ladná, hezká
I think that the meaning is the same :slight_smile:

You can’t imagine how much you helped me, Jarda! I can’t find the appropriate words to thank you! :smiley:

To put it simply: “ładna” means sth similar to “pretty” in English. And “piękna” would mean “beautiful”.

Dziękuję bardzo!

yoake: yeah, exactly :)) which makes the meaning of both words quite similar :smiley:

mikebond: Proszę.

TheDoctor: Well, I always imagined that “beautiful” is about sth/sb much much prettier than just “pretty” :slight_smile:

Although I agree with jarda that they’re similar, at least in English and from my Polish experience I’d say piękna is a bit stronger in meaning.

Hi Mike

Piękna is simply beautiful…
