Korean Literature

I thought I would share this link to a page about Korean literature.

University of British Columbia (UBC) has a Korean Language and Literature department and provided these links. The dlalogs with cartoon and audio are good for practice. http://www.korean.arts.ubc.ca/main.htm Their Korean grammar dictionary is also a useful reference.

I have no idea what Korean literature is like. Any recommendations?

The little dabbling I have done has been with Korean poetry. I’m not ready to read Korean literature yet. My Korean pen pal did tell me about this story Tragic tale of disempowerment | Hanguk Babble A classic story is Hong Gil Dong (67 pages). He is sort of a Korean Robin Hood.

If you’re looking for literature, you can find several short stories here with accompanying grammar explanations and vocab lists: http://www.korean.arts.ubc.ca/k410text.htm

I read quite a few of these when I took the 410 class, and it was a nice eye opener to the world of Korean literature :slight_smile: