"Optimitrist". I can´t find the meaning for optimitrist. is it

“Optimitrist”. I can´t find the meaning for optimitrist. is it a professional makes glasses?

“Optometry” (with the second “o”) is the profession of making glasses, and “optometrist” someone in that profession.

“Optimist” on the other hand is someone who has optimism, a bright outlook on the world and himself.

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I have the feeling that this is a typographical error. Consider the context.

^^^ This

An “optician” makes glasses.
An “optometrist” examines eyesight and prescribes what glasses are needed.
An “opthamalogist” is a physician specializing in eye health and surgery.

An “optimist” sees the glass half full, not half empty.


Eye doctors are also supposed to test people’s sight, although they don’t make or sell glasses. Some people go to the optician’s to have their glasses made without getting a prescription from an eye doctor.