What is the meaning of gourmet meal

what is the meaning of gourmet meal

Gourmet meal = a really good meal. You can think of it as a meal prepared by a really good chef - a gourmet chef.

Implies that the meal was not just good, but unusual and creative in preparation and/or presentation. You probably wouldn’t describe a basic dish of beef stewed with potatoes and onions as “gourmet,” no matter how delicious it was. But stew the beef in wine, with some garlic and spices, and serve it with pearl onions and tiny fingerling potatoes, and you start to rise to gourmet-ness.


@kewms, your post has just made me very hungry !

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Me too! :slight_smile:

“Gourmet”? Something Steve’s wife can cook, but which I’m hopeless at! :)~

Gourmet has been stamped on almost every product, the word has no meaning on items for sale these days,

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