
看到的課程從初級1開始的LESSON 1就已經是單詞了。都不會讀怎麼學???跳躍太大。完全是糊裡糊塗。

Hi @christytong - welcome to LingQ! we don’t have any strict curriculum but allow our members to choose their own learning path. As you are an absolute beginner, try to start with some simple lessons for Beginner 1 (use the level filter). Just listen the audio, read the text and create LingQs. Gradually, you will be noticing some grammar patterns and understanding how to read and pronounce words.

Also, please visit our Academy page to learn quickly how the site works (Login - LingQ)

Good luck with your French! I started learning French from scratch as well. It was tough at the beginning but feels much better now :slight_smile:


嗨@ christytong - 欢迎LingQ!我们没有任何严格的课程,但允许我们的成员来选择自己的学习路径。因为你是一个绝对的初学者,尝试启动与初级1一些简单的教训(使用级过滤器)。只听声音,朗读课文,并创建LingQs。渐渐地,你会注意到一些语法句型和了解如何阅读和单词发音。



youtube is harmonised in China. I always thought it best to upload Steve’s Chinese vids to a Chinese site (eg youku) and link to that.

Another option would be to put the audio of Steve’s Chinese “how to use lingq” vid on lingq itself, with a transcript, and have it as an intro in the Chinese languages sections. Same with the Chinese versions of the 7 secrets to language learning…

@iaing - oh, sorry about that. I see, it doesn’t work in China… Although we are not planning to do this immediately as we have so much stuff to do now, we will keep this in mind and see what we can do here.

galina, do you know where Steve’s mandarin videos on:

-how to use lingq, and
-the seven secrets to language learning

currently are (current links)? I had a search but can’t find them…

@iaing - actually, those videos are in English with the possibility to use Chinese captions (on Academy page).

The first one “how to use lingq” is definitely available in mandarin, dug around and found here:

another vid also here:

I’m sure if you stuck on youku and promoted a little you would get more Chinese users. but pointing Chinese users to an English vid on youtube? never going to get anyone to look at it.

Indeed, those videos are in Chinese, but they are not about “how to use LingQ” and “seven secrets”. Steve is talking about language learning in general which is great as well.

You are right, finding a video solution for Chinese members is something that we would definitely like to do in the future. However, right now we have a lot of things with a higher priority to do. We are sorry about that. Hopefully, we will be able to solve this in future.

if the first vid isn’t how to use lingq, then I don’t know what is. It is basically the same intro vid you linked to - but in Chinese?

oh well, I tried to help…

Couldn’t u just add Chinese subtitles to the vidéos?

Why? The videos are already available, in mandarin. If you are going to add subs - just put them on the mandarin vids. Sticking Chinese subs on English vids that are not accessible in China? - just put the subs on the mandarin vids. But at least first make them accessible, already.

The issue is — the vids are not accessible to Chinese speakers, and are difficult to find even if you have youtube access.

dug around and found the seven secrets (which, apparently, have never existed):




你不碰它 他永遠不是你的

在LingQ 語言不是考試 不是科目 他只靠你去熟悉他

像我14歲 本來想學德文 背沒多久也放棄了 方法根本不對

三年前開始接觸西文 有更深層的認識 連個時態變格也懂 但看到文法 就退避三舍


我覺得這裡真的是一個很棒的學習網站 不死死的教你文法


現在我學習西文的速度極快 甚至也開始學法文

(其實讓我再度燃起學習語言的原因跟Let it go 有點關係XD 所以說你喜歡這首歌 試著聽這首的法文版吧!!)

慢慢來吧 找個筆記本(我是這樣做) 抄 聽 抄 聽 背 學著念

我不知道你英文如何 但以有熱忱的心學語言 你是否有先把英文學好已不是那麼重要了

I think there is a big problem is that you just give up as you see those French words.

But these are included in language,basically.You’ll never progress unless you try to get down with it.

Here in LingQ,language is not for test,not a subject,either.Only depends on how much you’ve devoted.

As I was 14,I was managing to learn German.I just quit because of wrong method.

Then 3 years ago,i got involved into Spanish.I took it more serious,and I could recognize the complex tense , conjugation

of Spanish verbs.Whereas,the grammer i had tried to learn drove me away.

Not until now do I find LingQ.I consider it as a great Website,it just doesn’t teach you rigidly with grammer.

You have to make it as a part of your life.Now I’m with a rapid progress in Spanish,and start acquiring French also.

(In fact,it has had something to do with Let it Go.If you like it,try to start with the French version.)

Take it easy,get a notebook.Jot,listen,memorize,speak.

I don’t know how is your English.

I know nothing but that it’s not important anymore as you’ve had the passion for such language.

问题不是太容易放弃了,原来上楼的问题是怎么用…另一个问题是大陆人看不到了youtube是被和谐的 …后来呢?人回答的都发给了他youtube这个网站的联系,这个有什么好用? 还有推荐了chris lonsdale这个油嘴滑舌的人用英文说话的视频有什么好用? 更好是发给他在大陆能上的网站联系比如youku tudou

比如: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjI5NjA3MTcy.html


比如这个食品: LingQ 的介绍。 - YouTube

@iaing: “比如这个食品”


Maybe someone of the native Mandarin speakers how improves English via LingQ would be interested to hold skype discussion? Currently there are no Mandarin tutors available for talking :frowning: You can become a Mandarin tutor and use the money/points for taking discussion in English with a native speaker with your target accent (British/American) and available in your preferable time.
Personally, I am interested to start practicing spoken Mandarin. If someone is interested to become my tutor, please send me an email to: ina.blau @gmail.com or post message on my LingQ wall.

thanks for pointing that out LFJ :slight_smile: I’m sure this thread was created just to troll me :slight_smile:

Iaing,my friend,thanks for telling me that Chris Linsdale is an awful man and I just forgot that people in China wouldn’t be able to watch videos on YouTube as you’ve reminding me.Anyway,I’ve got some ideas from his speech.And in chinese ,we have a proverb called ‘不以人廢言’ said by confucius,the proverb means that whatever a person is,though we think he or she is not appropriate.If he or she could have some points of view,it is always worth listening.And hope you could get better and better in chinese every day.

P.S:食品 only signifies about food.