Why English so difficult?

As title, why english so difficult? i always cant remember the grammar and new vocaburary…
Can some one help??


That has nothing to do with English being difficult. That’s language learning in general.
Anyway… there’s not really anything anyone can do to ‘help’ you with that. Just practice. A loooot. Watch movies and play games and read things in English and stop worrying about forgetting things. You’ll eventually pick it up naturally.

There is nothing more to add.

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I agree with lynkusu but I thought I would throw in my two cents.

I don’t think any language is really difficult if you approach it the right way. It wasn’t difficult learning your first language. If you approach it like I want to be at an advanced level in 6 months, yes learning x language will be very difficult, if not next to impossible, especially the more different it is than your own language.

If you can just relax (breath deeply) and enjoy the journey, discovering the language and its rich culture and remember to enjoy your victories. Put in the time and the results will naturally follow, you just have to be patient.

As a side note, the people who promise high levels of proficiency in a ridiculously short amount of time annoy me as they are really discouraging people in the long run.

PS. I didn’t know you could give yourself a rose! lol. I would unrose my comment but I can’t.

ya, i need to find my way to catch up…=D

English is actually one of the easier languages out there. (Just try comparing it with the grammar of Russian or Icelandic!)

Anytime I find a new language difficult, I give myself 2 (or 3, 4, 5, etc) more months before I make an assessment again. :slight_smile:


no language is difficult if you really have that passion to learn it.

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English be so hard dat may bee 50 percent Mericans don’t know it good.

Hey now, let’s not pick on our fellow Americans. How about them Scots.

That’s a mild example

How about Cockney?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrvHfBO0mKo (hmm… adult unintelligible language)

Captcha: bought sftalls

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Ah, the second video reminds me of those school days, but it’s not Cockney. It’s more southeast London than east London. That’s how most people talked where I lived. Here is a quick cheatsheet.

buff = fit = sexy
blud = kinda like ‘bro’
nah man = sometimes means no, and sometimes means wow, usually has no meaning at all
rudeboy = kinda like ‘blud’
innit = no real meaning, but used by some to indicate the end of each sentence

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Hi Peini,
To learn effectively you need to use the correct learning strategies. To remember what you learned you have to use ‘spaced learning’, not ‘massed learning’.

Students usually use ‘massed learning’ = cramming: they learn a lot of grammar or vocabulary in a short period of time. This way the information is not remembered well.

To retain (remember) the information you need to learn a small amount at a time, over regular intervals (periods of time). Here is a link to a useful article which explains this:

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Tom has pointed out the importance of spaced learning.
Steve has recently made two excellent videos on the topic, which cover even more than the importance of spacing.

actually i have tried to read some English article, but due to so many unknown vocabulary, and frustrated to check dictionary again and again n again…so…
ok, i know this is my problem…>.<

Peini, the article I posted is quite difficult to read. Here is a summary.

The basic idea of this research is that students feel like they are learning when the cram, but actually cramming doesn’t work … they don’t remember much afterwards.

On the other hand, students feel that learning small amounts at regular intervals is more difficult, or more work, and therefore they do not feel like they are learning.

But in fact, spacing small amount of study, and also mixing different things, works much better. So you actually have to make it a bit more difficult by studying less more often.

For example, many students love doing grammar exercises, and they can spend two hours doing them. But it may be better to mix a bit of grammar, a bit of vocabulary, and a bit of listening, etc. And instead of spending two hours once a week, try doing 30 minutes of study 3-4 times a week.

I had a look at the videos suggested by Ginko58. The article I linked to covers that, and it says that interleaving means “mixing of problem types” and working on problems in a “mixed sequence”.

That would mean doing a variety of different tasks: some vocabulary, some grammar, some listening, some speaking, etc.

Massed learning would mean working on one task, such as memorising a list of vocab, until a goal is achieved, and then moving onto another, eg., learning the present perfect, etc. Some schools/teachers focus on one skill, eg., reading, or writing, or grammar, or speaking, or vocabulary, etc. because students ask for that, but that’s clearly a mistake.

Interleaving seems to be a very useful learning strategy.