Question for the admin

What need i do to earn a points? To make a lessons? I made 4 lessons, but i have 0 points. Maybe, i do not understant something?

I´m not an admin, but here´s what I know…

Points on LingQ expire after a certain amount of time (3 months?) and are given to those who have created lessons on LingQ. Somebody who has created 2,000 lessons gets more points than somebody who created 2 lessons. I´m not sure when exactly you´ll get paid, you might have to wait a few weeks.

You´d have to create a huge amount of lessons before it really starts to “add up”, though.

You can also earn points by working as a tutor here on LingQ , or by simply buying points.

@Bl_Ghost - Points are awarded at the beginning of each month based on how many times your lessons were shared over the previous month. You can learn more about points here: Points FAQ

Thank you)

Скажите, пожалуйста, что это за клавиша такая “Закладка”, которую можно использовать для воспроизведения звука при изучении слов?

@prosumer - The “Tab” key is typically located above the Caps Lock key on the left of the keyboard. You can learn more here: Tab key - Wikipedia

Автоматический перевод:

“Tab” ключ обычно расположен над Caps Lock на левой стороне клавиатуры. Вы можете узнать больше здесь: Tab key - Wikipedia

Thank you!

how to use " Simply upgrade to Premium using the code “freenovember” and you’ll receive your first month for free"? What’s CW?

@sonetts - If you have a coupon code you can use it on the Account page ( CVV (not CW) is a number that will appear on the front or back of your credit card. You can learn more here: Card security code - Wikipedia

Подскажите пожалуйста КАК отписаться от рассылки? Не хочу чтоб мне ежедневно на почту приходили ваши письма.

Здравствуйте, Lovely7, чтобы поменять подписки, пройдите на страницу Настроек, прокрутите вниз и найдите настройки электронных рассылок. Здесь вы можете отметить все, что хотите и не хотите получать от LingQ. После этого нажмите Сохранить изменения.