Why don't we have last months 'Monthly Newletters'?

I think 2 or 3 last months I can’t see ‘Monthly Newsletters’.
It’s very pitty because such reviews informed us with the new lessons in different languages, with our winners in Lingqing and contribution for our site.
I often (and maybe not only me) started reading and listening to new courses and new lessons straight from such ‘Newsletters’.
Otherwise the new weekly graphic reports aren’t very useful for me.

Funny you said that, because I was checking my in-box the other day, wondering where the newsletter was.

After much deliberation, we’ve decided to temporarily discontinue the Newsletter and change the format around a bit. We will still be sending out new lessons at the beginning of each month, and in the remaining weeks we will include useful tips and tricks along with notable updates.

We have also decided to pause the Honour Roll and Provider Awards (though points will still be given out!), as we found there wasn’t as much demand as we had hoped for these, and in the case of the Honour Roll, the statistics are available at any time from the Exchange page.

So far we’ve seen positive numbers, and while we do recognize that some members really enjoyed the Newsletter, these new emails seem to be generating more interest and hopefully will be useful in encouraging more members to continue learning :slight_smile:

I believe that in one or another form or lay out the Newsletters can be very useful.
Maybe they are not so picturesque for some young members, but they are very informative. And because many members are learning several languages ay the same time, they were very convenient to see all new lessons for the month in all supported languages.


It’s pity to hear that you decided to discontinue publishing the Newsletter because it was a very good place to know all news for the month, including new Steve’s videos, the most active Lingqers and Providers and the full list of the new lessons in all accessible languages.
But , Alex, maybe you can give me a link where I could see at least the general list of the shared for the months lessons and the list of the most acrtive providers where I also participate as much as possible for me.
I sure you gathered both kinds of information.
I’m intersted in two last months when you stopped publishing Newsletters.

Unfortunately we’re no longer publishing the list of providers. Points will still be given out, but for the last while, the Provider Awards post has been the least viewed post of any that we regularly made to the blog. If you go to the My Imports page for each language you publish lessons for, you can also see how many times your shared lessons have been viewed.

Since month you have only a link in the email that, but I open the blog from the link at the bottom on the website and then I SCROLL down to see the Provider Awards. So your counter does not work in this case. In blogs the counter counts only if you click directly on a blog post. You cannot see that I’ve read the post if I read it with scrolling down on the main page.

It is not convenient to check several import pages.

It is a pity that more and more transparency gets lost.

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I agree with Vera it’s piry that more and more transparency gets lost.
Why? What a reason?
Why to make a secret of everything?
I also couldn’t understand where I would be able to see all lessons that were added to different languages for the last month (not my shared lessons, but all lessons shared by different providors) in order to try them in learning and in estimation.
And the last question: How can I stop all these Weekly Reports graphics? I’m not a mathematician and I don’t understand in grafics anything. They give me no useful information.

Hi Evgueny,
How are you? To see the new lessons added, go to the blog and click the new lessons tag on the cloud at the right side of the blog or click the link below

and if you don’t want to receive the weekly reports (for some language(s)) just untick the boxes in the settiings page.
Have a nice day

It shows no new lessons after September 2014.

Thanks a lot! I didn’t know this link.

Hi Fernanda, indeed. I post this link for evgueny because he has written “I think 2 or 3 last months I can’t see ‘Monthly Newsletters’.”. Additionally, Alex explained that they want to improve the newsletter and it’s why they did not post this information for the moment I suppose. Wait for the teaser trailer of the new newsletter :slight_smile:

I will! :slight_smile:

Just to clarify, we’re discontinuing the newsletter in its previous form, and instead are going to be (a) sending out a weekly email with one piece of content and (b) sending out announcement emails with new features as they are released. We found it didn’t make as much sense to do this monthly, since there aren’t updates each month and it was difficult to stick to the newsletter format during these months.

I’m going to send out an email next week with some highlighted new lessons, and the email will include a link to the full list of new lessons which will be posted to the blog soon.