著名 zhùmíng (famous) wrongly converted to 着名

The Chinese word “著名 zhùmíng (famous)” is (wrongly) converted by LingQ to 着名 in an imported text.

If I import the simplified text “他是美国著名的作家。”, it is wrongly converted to “他是美国着名的作家 。”.

The system thinks that 著 must be converted to 着, because it assumes that 著 is a traditional character (in all cases) that must be converted to its simplified form 着.

However, “著 zhù write (books/etc.) / show; manifest; prove” is the same character in simplified AND traditional Chinese!

In all OTHER collocations with 著/着 (zhe, zháo, zhāo, zhuó) – 著 is the traditional form and 着 is the simplified form (and your conversion is correct).

Please correct this if possible.

Other common words with 著 zhù, that are also wrongly converted by LingQ:
著作 [simpl. 著作] zhùzuò v. write / n. work; book; writings
顯著 [simpl. 显著] xiǎnzhù s.v. notable; marked; striking; remarkable
編著 [simpl. 编著] biānzhù v. compile; write

@u50623 - Thank you for letting us know about this issue. I’ve added it to our list and we’ll see what we can do here.