LingQ is unstable at > 3000 words


I am experiencing that LingQ is quite slow (looking up words in the dictionary, creating LingQs, scrolling, etc) when reading texts with roughly 3000 words or more. Does anybody else experiencing the same problem? If so, is there a way to avoid this? Now I have to divide my text into two parts and import them separately.


When I import longer texts, I always break then up into multiple lessons. The iPad app gets slow when the text is long.

I’ve experienced too that long texts are inconvenient. I split them up for two reasons:

  • LingQ slows down if there are many words
  • I’m often short on time. If the lessons are smaller I can finish the complete lesson in one go. For me it is motivating to finish a lesson :slight_smile:

I think it is just one of those things you will have to accept about LingQ.

As the text gets longer, the going gets tough, and LingQ slows down tremendously. This is a well known problem which LingQ apparently has not been able to solve.

But if you are willing to follow the advice above and split your texts, you’ll avoid this problem. It seems you are already doing exactly that.

Well done!

Thanks for the replies. I guess I just have to keep on dividing texts into smaller parts then.

It bugs me too. I like to create 10 000 word lessons, but they are becoming increasingly unusable.

@all - We have actually been working on some performance optimizations and hope to have these updates released soon. Do keep in mind that when you are working with more data it is often slower; this is the case not just with LingQ but with everything. However, we are always working on improving things!

Maybe I should consider reading more challenging literature then. Shorter lessons, higher percentage of unknown words.

In the past I’ve had slow lessons that were longer. If I remember correctly, the critical factors were the number of yellow lingqs (not level 4 ones) and the number of blue words. Every time there was a change to a yellow or blue word the system had to search all the yellow or blue words to check for and update identical entries. Over the last week or so I’ve had a number of lessons in the 9500-10000 word range. But since I have around 25 yellow lingqs in such lessons and around 50 unknown words, the lessons weren’t too slow. So even though I was in the habit of splitting texts for a long time, I just don’t have to do it anymore.

But that’s probably all irrelevant now since I suspect that the changes Alex’s mentioned have already taken effect. I’m doing a lesson now with 9900 words and there’s no way it’s significantly slower. It feels particularly fast right now. Has anyone else tried a long text today?

It certainly seems to be running more smoothly today.

I can’t really see any difference. I have a lesson with 2988 words, 260 new words and 78 LingQs in it, and for me to create either a new LingQ, mark a word as known or even click unknown words, takes up to 3-4 seconds. I guess it is all dependent on the amount of new words you have in each lesson, which is a legitimate reason to learn more words.

Actually I have been reading a book for a few weeks now, and each lesson is usually around 6000-10,000 words and it has not been slow on the website or the app.

I’ve tested it with a lesson with more than 4,000 words and it was fine.

How many new words and LingQs are there in those lessons?

Now there are 62 Unknown words (blue) and 137 LingQs (yellow). I’ve worked have through this text.

I’ve tested another lesson with more than 7,500 words, 301 Unknown words (blue) and 280 LingQs (yellow).
It is a tiny little moment slower than the other lesson but it is still ok for me.

Interesting would be how your internet connection is, and which browser you’re using.