Arrows, Dashboard, LingQs, and New Words

Hi All,

I have been using LingQ for a short time now and think it is excellent. One of the things I really love is using the arrows with the dashboard to look up unfamiliar words as I am listening to a text. What has annoyed me though is that when I do it for a text that I have just opened and am listening to for the first time, which therefore contains both blue and yellow words, simply pressing the arrows only allows me to switch between one type of word, i.e. either I am looking up all the blue words, or all the yellow words. I know that by holding down the shift button, I can switch between blue and yellow words with the arrows, but is there a way of doing it without having to hold down the shift button?

(I currently put a small weight on the shift button when I am simultaneously reading and listening to new texts.)

Thanks for the help.

If there isn’t a way, perhaps one could be added. I would also like to be able to keyboard navigate through all of the lingqs or unknown words on a page, whatever the status.

My work around (putting a weight on the shift key) is not ideal, firstly because it is absurd, and secondly because it does not actually do exactly what I said it does. When I hold the shift key down and have a blue word selected, pressing the forward arrow sends the selection to the next yellow word, and when I have a yellow word selected, pressing the forward arrow sends the selection to the next blue word. This generally can be acceptable when the text contains a good mixture of blue and yellow words.

@ColinPhilipJohnstone - Thanks for the suggestion. We’ll add this to our future wishlist and see if there is anything we can do here.

@mark - Thanks for considering my suggestion. I am not a long time LingQ user and am still working out how best I will use the features here, so it would be interesting to get the opinions of more experienced users. I think my suggestion is good because very often I just want to read a text once really quickly without going through and producing all the LingQs first. The LingQ interface is brilliant for this already.