Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten

Hi All
Could you please let me know if I am allowed to import “Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten” (with text and Audio) ?


Yes you are, but you cannot share it publicly. I used to do it every day for several months.

Yes you are, but you cannot share it publicly. I used to do it every day for several months.

Thanks for the info.
Is there a way to get it automatically or do we need to do it everyday manualy.


You need to do it manually. Do you use the bookmarklet?

What I used to do is I would import the text with the bookmarklet, and then download the audio into my phone, but I would never upload it to the website. There is no point.

Thanks !
I do not do it via bookmarklet. I just copy/paste the text & upload audio.
If I upload audio, it is convenient to use with iLingQ app.

Will there be an issue if I upload the Audio ?


No issue. There will only be an issue if you share the lesson publically. If you just import the text and upload the audio, there will be no issue.

Langsam Gesprochene Nachrichten is the best learning resource for German on the internet I think.


@smithi - As ColinJohnstone noted, you can privately upload any content, copyrighted or not. The only restriction is that you can’t publish this content in the Library on LingQ unless you have permission to share it or it is not under copyright.